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Electronics Entertaiment Expo. Coverage (E3)


Are you ready? Well whether you are, or aren't the Electronics Entertainment Expo. is just around the corner, and Pojo.com is going to have every little detail for your little eyes to read!

But first... What is E3? Well... E3 is where all the developers bascally show off their stuff for the year. All the up-coming games, and news will be announced there along with demos of certain titles. The show is held in L.A. every year at the convention center. It will start wil the conference from Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft on May 21st, and will end May 24th

Sadly enough since I am too young to attent the show I can't be there, but luckily we have some people on the inside that we will get the direct news from. Most of our coverage will be from Planet GameCube along with IGN. We will also offer our exper advice as well. So now let the madness begin! By the way, this is the Nintendo half only.


Pre- E3 News

GameCube Price Drop
Well, not only does XBox, and PS2 get a pricedrop, but so does Nintendo' next generation console: GameCube. Find out how Pojo.com got the story first inside.

Super Mario Sunshine News
New screens that only make the waiting harder

Sega stock brodcast brings new titles
Wan't to hear about all Sega's big plans? Well you should because Sega has big goals, and just as big titles on the way.

Read more Gaming News on Pojo's News!




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