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Pojo's Marvel VS Card of the Day

Dr. Doom
Lord of Latveria

Marvel Origins

Date Reviewed: 4.22.04

Constructed Average Rating: 3.60
Limited Average Rating: 4.10

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


* Game Store owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut
The Grand Daddy of Dr. Dooms.  This guy is huge.  It's stats are definately powerhouse level at an 18/19 with Range.  It's ability ends the game if done right, though.  Being able to turn face down those plot twists you've used allows you to set up the final attack (or a strong defense as the case may be) and overwhelm your opponent.  In a deck built around this card, I simply can not conceive losing if this comes into play.  Possibly if you've been previously decimated and don't have the other Doom characters, but otherwise, it's vicious.

In limited if the game goes to turn 8, this wins for you.  If it doesn't (and it very well might not), then he's a resource.

Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 4.5
Current Price:  $6.74

* game store owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut
Thursday - Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria
RAR! This guy is freakin' huge!  It's problem is that you might not make it to turn 8 to play him in a highly competitive field. Turn 8 is pretty iffy, but if you do see it, hope it's your initiative, and beat the crap outta something with this guy.  His come into play triggered ability is amazing!  You get to reuse your resources for an all out assault.  His whenever he attacks ability is pretty eh, and I doubt it will be of any significance by the time you see him.
In casual, this guy is the beats, and pretty darn fun to play. 18/19 is nothing to sneeze at, and will wreak havoc when you attack with it. 
In limited, turn 8 does happen enough that you should include him in your deck.  If you make it to turn 8, niiiiice!   Dr. Doom says, "Prepare to meet your Dooooooom!"
Constructed: 4

* game store owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut
Thurs.  Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria
I have a feeling that as this game progresses Dr. Doom decks may be one of the strongest decks out there, call it a hunch. This guy is just so strong, his cost is a little high, but look at all the card advantage he gives you. From my experience with this game, not too many games go past turn 8 so if you are able to get him out he may just end the game for you.
In limited he is just strong, in fact all the 8 drops are pretty devastating. Even if you only have 1 or 2 doom characters in play Dr. Doom will deviate your opponent.
I would think he would be a pretty good first pick.
Constructed: 3.5 (until I see more Doom decks)
Limited: 4.0
Paul Hagan
Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria -- 

Of the five characters that cost 8 resource points to play, I like this guy
(by far) the most.  He seems like he could be horrendously abusive if you
can get him into play.  The ability to turn face down cards like Savage
Beatdown, Finishing Move, or even Gamma Bomb is just *sick*!  The only
reason he doesn't get a great rating is because he does cost 8 to put into
play, and a lot of games don't make it that long.  However, Doom decks in
particular have a good ability to make the game stretch that long, and a lot
of decks out there are incapable of handling such a huge threat without a
team attack.

As far as limited goes, I might let this guy slide if there is a much better
option in the pack, but it has to be stellar.  Limited can go slightly
longer and an 8-Drop is worth having, especially if he's the abusive Dr.

Constructed Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 3.5



Let’s make this short and sweet because I have a worm in my comp and having to borrow a friends. Great stats, great abilities but the recruit cost of 8 is no bueno. If the game reaches turn 8 then somebody’s definitely doing something wrong. At this point either player will probably just have to attack to end the game, which is why I don’t consider this guy playable. First you have to reach turn 8 and run enough copies of him to be able to get drop him on turn 8. It’s just not reliable and I like consistency so… BAH! 


(editor's note:  IQ - Have you tried Doom decks?  That's one of the things they do - they get to the late game because of their control style of play.  I did not factor your rating into the averages simply because you're not reviewing the card, you're reviwing the game's ability to get to turn 8 or not.  As you play more, you'll see the game can often get to turn 8 if you build the deck to play for the late game.  -Scott)



In this format he could seal the game for you but once again that’s if you get this far into the game and are lucky enough to draw the 1 copy you’re playing on this turn. The game might reach 10 turns, god knows how and you still might not even see him. Me no like him too much.


    Dr Doom [Lord of Latveria], the card with infinite possibilities, literally.  His ability is incredibly powerful, even by Dr. Doom's standards, with the possibility to go infinite with Tibetan Monks and Press the Attack (Credit given to a few people in the IRC channel for the Marvel TCG.)   Doom's ability also lets you reuse plot twists like Finishing Move, Savage Beatdown, Micro-Size, Faces of Doom, Flame Trap, etc., essentially whatever is necessary for the victory. 
     Unfortunately Dr. Doom is bittersweet, mainly because of his resource requirement.  Dropping him on turn 8 usually only gives you that 1 turn to work with him, since players' life totals are likely to be nearing zero by that turn.  Therefore, even though his ability is still nice and helps end the game in your favor, there is a card more powerful than anything I have mentioned so far... The Power Cosmic.  The Power Cosmic ensures that you get the initiative at the start of the attack phase on turn 8 with Dr. Doom and hopefully the Sub-Mariner in play, which should be more than enough to gain the victory.  Eight drop characters are very rare in tournament decks, which makes playing one copy of this Dr. Doom (along with Faces of Doom) a very nice addition to any Doom deck. 
Doom's ability is very nice, though it probably wont make as big of an impact as The Power Cosmic + Dr. Doom's ATK and DEF values.
    Dr. Doom is an eight drop character, that is reason enough to pick him up as a first pick.  You can even build your deck around him if you get him early enough... Overall great limited card.
Constructed Rating: 3.5/5
Limited Rating: 4/5
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