Marvel VS Card of the Day
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 4.30.04
Constructed Average Rating: 4.70
Limited Average Rating: 4.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* Game Store owner in
CA, ShuffleAndCut
There is a very good reason
this is the single most expensive Vs. card right
now. It's broken. In a game where
the curve is SO important, this card allows
characters to jump the curve 1-3 spots to do
damage where otherwise they wouldn't be able to.
In addition, it works as great "burn" in a
situation you're just trying to do an insane
amount of B.E.L. I'm not sure it's worth
the almost $30 tag it's been fetching, but it's
really, REALLY good, and it will be fetching
almost $30 for some time to come.
In limited,
it's just as good. Offnsive pumpers are
amazing in this game when they make a
significant impact. +5 ATK is a
significant impact.
Limited: 5
Current Price: $30.31 |

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
Rar! Pump 'em
up, boys! Savage Beatdown has quickly become
the hottest card of the set, and the ability
to push through 5 extra damage fires up an
agressive deck even more. The great thing
about Plot Twists is you only have to have
threshold to use them. If you have 4
Resourses, and they all had a threshold of 3
or 4, you could use them all in one turn if
you wanted to blow your load. Savage Beatdown
is an amazing add to any aggressive deck, and
many other decks as well, a trend reflected in
my company's brisk sales of the card. People
believe in this card and are willing to put
their money into a game winner.
In limited,
Savage Beatdown is a bit less focused, but
still a great card. In and of itself, it can
cut your opponent's endurance by at least 10%,
and help a little guy take out a big guy.
Constructed: 5
Limited: 4

*game store employee
When I played the Starter game, and saw Nasty
Surprise, I thought, "Boy, wouldn't it be
great if I could give an attacker +5 ATK?"
Then I saw this card. Exactly the card I was
looking for.
This is an awesome card. Many times, this can
be used to finish off an attacker and cause
Breakthrough Endurance Loss. The power this
card provides makes it the best Plot Twist
available right now, in my opinion. As such,
it should be used without question in either
limited or constructed. (Not to mention the
card's value if you have an opportunity to
take it in a draft.)
Constructed: 5
Limited: 5
Matthews |
What can you say
about this card other than its just plain
savage. Well now that I have my first pun out of
the way I can talk about the card. If you are
playing a deck based around a lot combat this is
definitely you card. The problem most people
will face with this cards is that it really cost
a lot of money to get it. It has found its home
in a lot of decks and understandably. It the
highest amount of extra attack you can get for
an attacker. It will allow the majority of one
drops and two drops to stun just about every
other four drop and even some five drops. Look
for this card to remain and expensive card to
Constructed 4
Limited 4 |
Paul Hagan |
Hm, what can I say about Savage Beatdown that
other people won't say? I'll start with I
think that the card is overrated. Don't get
me wrong, I definitely think that its a very
good card, and whenever I get ahold of one, it
stays with me and doesn't get traded, but I
don't think it is worth the $20+ that the card
is pulling online. There have been very few
occassions where I say, "Gee, I wish I had a
Savage Beatdown as opposed to this Flying
Kick, then I would be set." In fact, the
flight aspect of Flying Kick sometimes makes
up for the missing +2 ATK.
With that said (which should get me some hate
mail), I definitely think Savage Beatdown
belongs in almost every deck, so if you have
them, play them. The only drawback I can
think of is the 4-RC, which can hurt on
occassion, but not too much.
In limited, draft this card up. It wins
games. 'Nuff said.
Constructed Rating: 4.5
Limited Rating: 4.5