Marvel VS Card of the Day
DC Origins
Date Reviewed: 8.05.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.1283
Limited Average Rating: 2.8
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

IQ |
Shape Change
Here’s my new favorite plot
twist. Ever since I saw this card in the sneak
peek at Origins I’ve been trying to come up with
new ways of using it. I love this card in Titan
decks because of it’s utility and still like it
in a lot of other decks because it works well
with Avalon Space Station and it thins out your
deck. I play it over Acrobatic Dodge in a lot of
decks but I am a pretty weird player so I don’t
know if I stand alone when I think this card is
a lot better than most people think.
I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to
repeat everything I said yesterday about
Acrobatic Dodge in limited. There just aren’t a
lot of cards that can help your attack and
defense in limited and this card and Acro Dodge
are some of the better ones so I stick by my if
you see them get them statement.

Nakaiya21 |
Shape Change
First off let me say
that this card is in every way superior to our
previous card of the day, Acrobatic Dodge.
Shape Change will come into play mostly in a
Teen Titian deck because of the obvious
character Garth. Is everyone following along?
Shape Change (along with the location Tamaran)
is just so good at getting cards into your KO’d
pile for his sweet little effect to retrieve.
Let’s take a look at
turn three with a Titans deck when you do not
have initiative. Let’s just say for s**t’s and
giggles that you got to recruit your little
green guy Beast Boy this turn. Have a Shape
Change in your resource row? One in your hand
too? Wow. Opponent attacks, Shape Change
one…not only is your Beast boy probably saved,
but that’s a one +1/+1 counter on him. They
attacked him again for some reason…Shape Change
number two, that’s two counters now. It’s your
combat phase and Beast Boy gets his turn to have
a say in things. Beast Boy attacks, gets
himself a third counter making him a 6/6 on only
your third turn…astounding. Doesn’t sound too
bad for a combo that’s real easy to make happen,
plus you got a few new KO’d cards to retrieve in
another two turns when Garth hits the stage.
In my humble opinion
this card only lasts for the one attack (the
text completely leaves out how long this
modifier lasts so we have to guess the shortest
time possible before we get the card errata on
this one).
So, put the top card
of your deck into your KO’d pile. Target
defender you control gets -X ATK and +X DEF,
where X is the cost of the card put into your
KO’d pile this way. At the very least you get
+1 DEF, best case +7. Will you end up tossing
away a card you were really wanting? Maybe.
Either way it’s going to be up to you to play
this or not. Some up-sides, some downfalls but
overall a good card I say.
Constructed –
3.1415/5.0…..Pi can change shape too ;-)
Limited –
3.5/5.0….Defense is especially nice here.
Johnny Blaze |
Shape Change – Again
another plot twist that lowers your attack to
pump your defense. This card combos well in a
Team Titans deck. Hopefully the card you discard
you can get it back from Garth or another way.
Titans has many options and this card just adds
to the Titans theme. Otherwise, this card can be
risky to run. I would much rather play a regular
plot twist and not take the risk of discarding a
card that I need for next turn.
Constructed – 3.5/5 In a Titans deck. 2/5 in any
other deck Limited – 1/5 Not a good idea to
discard cards for this effect in draft where
your card pool is limited to begin with.
Bunch |
Shape Change could
be the new Acrobatic Dodge...or at least it
really wants to be. Dodge is an automatic -3/+3,
while Shape Change could conceivably be as big
as -10/+10. There are two major drawbacks to
Shape Change though...for one thing, its too
random. If I need something pumped up by 4 Def,
and I pull something that costs 3 or less, I've
wasted 2 cards, and I'm still taking damage.
Secondly, even if I get a high enough cost card
to save my character, that card is now in the
KO'd pilem where it probably does me no good at
all. Granted, Garth and Reconstruction Program
can help get stuff back, but that's still extra
cards. Base of Operations, Clocktower, and Night
Vision help this card out some more, but
Acrobatic Dodge is still better.
In Limited, this card is hurt more because
you're not going to see too many high drop
cards, and if your only 6 or higher drop gets
put in the KO'd pile from this effect, you're
not getting it back. If its an all DC
draft/sealed event, you won't be getting
Acrobatic Dodges, but its still going to be a
crapshoot as to whether this card helps you or
Too risky.
Constructed - 2.5/5
Limited - 1.5/5
Paul Hagan |
Shape Change
Earlier in the week, we reviewed Acrobatic
Dodge, and I gave it an extremely high
rating. Shape Change is no Acrobatic
Dodge. Yes, I understand that you have a
shot of giving a character -6/+6, but it
also has a shot of giving -1/+1, which just
doesn't cut it. I really hate relying on
luck to make it past any given attack, and
Shape Change has a lot of luck attached to
it. I might play it in a deck that has a
lot of high recruit-cost characters, such as
Big Brotherhood or Doom, but other than
that, Acrobatic Dodge makes the cut above
In limited, I would be more inclined to play
Shape Change, especially since a larger
number of cards in your deck will have a
higher recruit or threshold cost. A larger
defense seems better in limited that
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 3.0