Marvel VS Card of the Day
- Engimatic Researcher
Superman: MoS
Date Reviewed: 12.02.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.25
Limited Average Rating: 2.87
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Himon – Enigmatic
Today we are going to look at a card that
immediately caught my attention – Himon.
As a 3-drop whose stats are 4/4, Himon is a
solid card. However, it is his effect that I can
truly appreciate. Basically this card stops all
of your opponents plot twists with a cost of 1
or less. Now I know that some people can not
truly appreciate this effect since it only stops
plot twists such as Mega Blast, Acrobatic Dodge,
and Flying Kick, but when you consider that if
you drop this character on turn 3 – you have
just shut down pretty much anything you opponent
can do to stop you from doing some early damage.
That is because on turn 3, your opponent is
pretty much limited to what he/she can play
because of threshold costs. Now when it comes to
late game, this card definitely loses its edge,
so it is probably a good idea to kill it off on
turn 4. However, as far as New Gods 3-drops go,
I think this card pretty solid.
New Gods constructed deck – 3.0/5.0 ...This card
is solid.
Limited – 2.5/5.0 ...There are not that many
plot twists with a threshold cost of 1 in this
set. However being able to stop your opponent
from using these plot twists could give you a
big early advantage.

Johnny Blaze |
Himon - Engimatic
Oh boy the jokes that can be made with this
guy’s name. But we wont go there since this is a
family related site. Actually Himon is really
decent to use as your New gods 3 drop. As a
matter of fact all of the New Gods’ 3 drops are
decent. So it is really a toss up decided by
your strategy of using New Gods.
He has about average stats for a 3 drop in this
set. His power limits your opponent by not being
able to play plot twists with a cost of 1 or
less. Its unbelievable but there are only 4 Plot
Twists with a cost of 1 or less in the MOS set.
Himon is better off in Constructed where there
are more playable plot twists of 1 or less.
Constructed: 3/5 – Much better here as there are
more plot twists with a cost of 1 or less that
are widely used.
Limited: 2/5 – With the availability of only 4
plot twists, with one of those being uncommon,
his usefulness is much less here.
Bunch |
Himon - Engimatic
[Before I start, I want to throw in a cheap plug
for True Heroes this weekend at Gencon SoCal.
It's based on the VS System, and we had a great
showing at Gencon Indy. Teams that win the game
get a great extended art VS card. Last time, it
was Wolverine, James Howlett, be sure to swing
by and see what the winners get this time. We'll
be upstairs in Room 205, come by and say hi and
tell me how much you love (or hate) my reviews.
Now onto the card of the day...]
So many good plot twists have a threshold or one
less: Acrobatic Dodge, Flying Kick, Overload,
The New Brotherhood...and Himon stops them all
from being played. Stall decks love this guy,
just make sure you keep him healthy. Team him up
with Black Cat, and you really start throwing
monkey wrenches in your opponent's plans. Not
much else to say, if you want to lockdown your
opponent, Himon is a good start.
In Limited, this guy can really turn the tide.
You usually don't pull too many good combat
tricks in this format, and Himon will stop them
from getting a lot of those out. His small body
will always be a liability, so be ready to use
your plot twists to keep him from getting
Constructed - 4/5
Limited - 4/5
Paul Hagan |
Himon, Enigmatic
I really can't think of too many negative things
to say about Himon. He is a little on the small
side for a 3-Drop, but so are a lot of the
3-Drops in both DC Origins and Man of Steel. I
would prefer his ability read as 2, that way you
could stop things like Teen Titans Go!, but
overall, I'll settle for stopping Acrobatic
Dodge, Flying Kick, and The New Brotherhood.
In limited, this card has to stop a fair number
of basic Plot Twists, meaning I'll settle for
him. I'd prefer something slightly larger (such
as Big Bear), but if I don't have too many good
options, Himon will do.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 3.0