Marvel VS Card of the Day
Takion <>
- Josh Saunders
Superman: MoS
Date Reviewed: 12.03.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.25
Limited Average Rating: 3.375
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Takion <> Highfather
– Josh Saunders
I am going to finish up this week by looking at
a card that I am sure has been reviewed
elsewhere just because it is so awesome. Today
we get to take a look at Takion.
Now I don’t know how the gaming is in your area,
but I do know that in my area we do a little
cheer whenever someone pulls off a Gamma Bomb.
Why? Because it is that hard to pull off unless
you have a really great stall deck like Gotham
Light. What better way to build a Gamma Bomb
deck than with Takion? Ok, that is all the
information I am going to give you in building a
New Doom deck - now onto the card itself.
As an 11/13 6-drop with range, Taikon is an all
around solid card. However, it is his effect
that makes him stand out from the crowd. By
activating and discarding a New Gods character
card from your hand, you and your opponent can
add the top card in your decks to your resource
rows. That is the same as jumping to turn 8,
skipping turn 7 altogether. The only downside is
your opponent gets to jump to turn 8 as well,
but if you are well prepared it is nothing to
worry about. This is a great way to get beyond
decks such as Teen Titans, which have nothing in
the way of an 8-drop character. I would
definitely choose to run this character over
New Gods constructed deck – 4.0/5.0 ...His
effect can only be activated during the recovery
phase, but with a 13 defense, you could probably
accomplish this.
Limited – 4.5/5.0 ...Many times in this format
you are not able to use your 8-drop (if you have
one). This character is a great way to get to
turn 8 and seal up the game.

Johnny Blaze |
Takion <> Highfather
- Josh Saunders:
Is it true do we
have finally have a method for resource
acceleration? It would seem so. The trick is to
keep Takion from getting stunned or exhausted
before the recovery phase. His 13 DEF helps out
as there are only 5 other six drops in MOS that
have a natural ATK greater than 13. So if all
goes well you and your opponent are going to
have 8 resources out by Turn 7.
Constructed: 3/5 – The verdict is still out on
this guy. If you have your 8 drop in your hand
already or have a way to search for it then on
Turn 7 you are good to go. Just hope that your
opponent doesn’t have his 8 drop and you miss
yours. There are endless possibilities with
Takion’s ability. So much wonderful things can
be done and recruited with an extra resource but
like Is aid before the trick is to keep Takion
ready by the recovery phase.
Limited: 3/5 – With range he can always help out
if you decide not to use his power. But again
rescource acceleration can be critical if you
managed to draft an 8 drop and get it out by
turn 7 before your opponent gets their’s.
Bunch |
Takion <> Highfather
- Josh Saunders
We've had cards before that let you roll the
game back a turn or two by destroying resources,
but now we have a card that allows you to fast
forward through turn 7 and go straight to turn
8. Apocalypse and Silver Surfer are Takion's
best friends now. You'd just better hope you
have your turn 8 play in hand though, otherwise
you might just have handed your opponent the
game. Then again, its up to you to use the
effect, so plan around it, and you can sneak up
on your opponent and blast him with all you've
In Limited, this card has more drawbacks. First,
you have to draft enough New Gods to pay his
activation cost. Then you have to keep him
around until the recovery phase. Then you'll
want to have lucked into an 8 drop, or have a
good swarm of guys ready to go.
Still, a 7 drop with equipment is fairly good,
even without an 8 drop. 10/13 are good defensive
stats, although you won't be hammering through a
lot of defenses with him.
Constructed - 3.5/5
Limited - 3/5
Paul Hagan |
Takion * Highfather,
Josh Saunders
I'm not sure about this guy. I'm pretty sure
he's the best of the New Gods 6-Drops, but I
don't like holding back with a 6-Drop just so I
can (hopefully) activate him at the end of the
turn. I realize New Gods seemed to be focused on
having a great late game, but if you can't even
attack with your 6-Drop, you might not have
enough gas at the end of the game to pull out a
In limited, I'll usually play this guy just on
the grounds that he is a 6-Drop. Although they
are easier to come by than the (ugh) Marvel
Origins Draft, pulling enough good 6-Drops can
be a slight issue sometimes. His ability doesn't
impress me in limited at all unless you have a
Doomsday or something similar hiding in your
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 3.0