Marvel VS Card of the Day
– President
Superman: MoS
Date Reviewed: 12.10.04
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Lex Luthor –
President Luthor
Today we are going to end with a card that I
think anyone playing a RS deck or RS variation
deck will be playing. I am talking about Lex
Luthor – President Luthor.
First of all let me start by saying as a 4/4 for
a 3-drop, Lex Luthor is par for the course. He
has no flight or range, but attacking isn’t
exactly why you want to include him in your
deck. You see, he has an awesome effect that
states that instead of drawing during your draw
phase, you pick up as many cards off the top of
your deck as you have on-going plot twists. Then
you simply discard one card to the bottom of
your deck. Hmmmm...if I were to run a revenge
squad variation deck I will probably be running
6 team-up cards, 4 revenge pack, 2 toy soldiers,
and maybe a state of the union or two. That is
14 on-going plot twists and I haven’t even
thought about what team I want to team up! So
basically I could draw 13 cards (because I have
to discard a card) each turn! Ok, so I realize
that that was a bit of a stretch but I hope you
see my point. Why wouldn’t you want to run 4 of
these characters? The only reason I could think
you may want to be careful with this card is
because you will always have the temptation to
recover this card over a stronger character,
just so you can get more cards in your hands.
However I am sure that this does not apply to
RS constructed deck – 4.0/5.0 ...This card has
the potential to be great – if used properly.
Limited – 1.0/5.0 ...It will be difficult, at
best, to balance any on-going plot twists you
get with the characters you have available.
Don’t worry about trying to make this card work
in this format.

Johnny Blaze |
Lex Luthor –
Today we are reviewing President Lex Luthor.
Just looking at his stats he is your average 3
drop at 4/4. But his ability to manipulate is
what makes Lex so evil. Instead of drawing a
card you can put the X top cards of your deck
into your hand where X is the number of ongoing
plot twists you control. Then put a card from
your hand on the bottom of your deck.
So at most on Turn 4 you can get an extra 2
cards and then lose 1 to put on the bottom of
your deck.
Constructed: 3/5 – If abnormal card drawing is
your thing then this card is for you. Sure most
of your plot twists will be ongoing so that is
going to limit your deck a little and once Lex
is gone then you get to draw cards as normal. I
cant see this be game breaking. I see of it more
as a challenge to see how many cards you can
draw in one turn.
Limited: 2/5 – With only 8 ongoing plot twists
available in MOS, Lex will be better served
sitting in the Oval Office. Only 3 of those
ongoing plot twists would be of any real use and
what are the chances of drafting all of them?
Bunch |
Lex Luthor -
Lex has an interesting effect, but one that
won't really help you until late game. You'd
have to have three ongoing plot twists running
to just break even on his effect. Fortunately,
there are other cards that will reward you for
playing a lot of ongoing plot twists. The extra
draw power will help in the later turns, but
you'll lose the extra draw on turn 6, when you
are hopefully pulling out your Lex Luthor, Power
Armor. Then again, it's not like Revenge Squad
is really packing a lot of heat at the 3 slot,
so go with your gut.
In Limited, forget about it. You won't see
enough ongoing plot twists to even begin to get
use out of his effect. If you use any in your
deck, it'd better be to power up 6 drop Lex.
Leave this one to Johnny Raredrafter.
Constructed - 3/5
Limited - 1/5