Marvel VS Card of the Day

Grace, Manipulator
Superman: MoS
Date Reviewed: 12.13.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.65
Limited Average Rating: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Bunch |
Amazing Grace,
This week we're looking at Darkseid's Elite, a
team with some incredible control elements.
Amazing Grace's effect is all kinds of sick;
being able to grab one of your opponent's
characters is nice enough, but having them gain
the Darkseid's Elite affiliation is huge when it
comes to making it a useful ability.
6/6 is a bit small for a 4 drop, and a lot of
times you'll have to choose between recovering
her to steal a character, or recovering a more
useful character, so you're going to have to
think defensively in order to take advantage of
her. The one drawback is that you can only take
a character with a cost of 3 or less, although
there's a lot of decent 3 drops that'll be on
the table for you to turn to the dark side.
Titans decks will hate this card, as you'll be
able to steal something from them every turn if
you play it right.
There's no reason not to run Amazing Grace if
you're playing Darkseid's Elite, Bernadeth is a
better play when you want to go aggro, but a
good control player will be running 4 Graces in
their deck.
In Limited, she's not as great. You'll have to
play enough Darkseid's Elite to be able to pay
for her effect, and your opponent may not have
any good 3 drops to take. Plus she's a rare, so
you'll only see one of her, and you can't count
on her coming out in time to be useful.
Constructed - 4/5
Limited - 2/5
Amazing Grace,
Manipulator --
I'm pretty sure this card is good, but I
wouldn't call it great by a longshot. For a
4-Drop, Grace is incredibly small, meaning she
can be stunned by just about anything. She is
also limited in that the best she can steal is a
3-Drop, which should be decent, but nothing
special. You (rightfully so) must also have a
Darkseid's Elite character in hand to spend, but
that shouldn't be too much of an issue for a
well-designed deck.
I think the biggest reason Amazing Grace gets to
see play is the lack of quality 4-Drops in
Darkseid's Elite. You can either play Amazing
Grace, Trok, or Bernadeth, none of which are a)
big or b) that good.
In limited, Grace's stock goes up quite a bit if
you have a fair amount of Darkseid's Elite
characters. Character advantage can be
incredibly important, and having a lot of
characters of the same affiliation is that much
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 3.0