Pojo's VS Card of the Day
Card No. - MSM-005
Doc Oc
Date Reviewed: 7.15.04
Constructed Average Rating: 2.65
Limited Average Rating: 1.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Punisher – Vigilante
Anyone who loves
Finishing Move probably has a soft spot for this
guy. I feel as though he is one of the better
Spider-Friends characters, but definitely is not
the best one. His attack is ok, but the low
defense means that he is probably going to get
picked on as soon as he hits the field.
Seriously, who is going to want this guy
standing around, just waiting to KO one of their
characters? Well you can always hide him in
your support row and hope that your opponent
can’t reach him….
If they were going
to give this guy a low defense stat, I wish they
would not have made his effect an activated
effect. It is bad enough you have to toss a
character to use him, but not being able to
attack makes him slightly difficult to use.
Still, they gave him range which is definitely
constructed deck – 3.0/5.0 ….This guy can
definitely give your opponent a headache.
Limited – 1.5/5.0
…..If you are playing in a sealed tournament I
wouldn’t even bother with the spider-friends
Johnny Blaze |
Punisher – MSM-005 –
One of my all time Marvel faves is Frank Castle
as The Punisher. How does UDE represent him as a
playable card? 1st of all he is given the
Spider-Friends Team Affility. There goes his
reputation as a loner!! His ATK + DEF stats are
fairly average for a 4 drop. Actually it is
Frank’s power that makes him good. All you have
to do is discard a Spidey-Friends character from
your hand to KO target stunned character. That
right there represents his ability as a one man
killing machine.
Constructed – 3/5 He’s not the best 4 drop in
the game but he is also not the worst. As long
as you are going for a Spidey Team theme this is
your answer to Finishing Move.
Limited – 2/5 Again Punisher is stuck in the
Starter deck so you wont see much play until the
Spidey set comes along.
Paul Hagan |
Punisher, Vigilante
If there is one thing I love to see, it is
adequate representations of characters. Those of
you who play Raw Deal know what I'm talking
about. It's just cool having a card that really
does what it looks like it should do. Punisher
is one of those cards.
As for playability, Punisher is as good as it
gets for 4-Drops in Spider-Friends, and that's
not a bad thing at all. My only major issue is
that he can be easily stunned by just about
everybody. However, for the most part, the bad
outweighs the good in Punisher.
In limited, I'll play Punisher, but I won't be
happy about it unless I am packing three or four
other Spider-Friends cards. You take what you
can get, however, in sealed pack, so Punisher
might make the cut no matter what.
Constructed Rating: 3.5
Limited Rating: 2.5
Bunch |
Punisher, Vigilante
This guy's ability would be a lot better if you
either didn't have to activate him, or didn't
have to discard. Having to do both, plus make
sure he stays ready until you stun an opponent's
character, makes it just too difficult of an
ability to pull off enough to make it
worthwhile. If you want to KO an opponent's
stunned character, Finishing Move and Sadistic
Choice are much better choices.
As a character, 7/5 is just too weak; every
other 4 drop in the game has high enough ATK to
stun him.
Black Cat, Felicia Hardy is a much better choice
in the 4 slot, she has an extra 1 DEF, and a
better ability. Punisher just doesn't make the
Constructed: 1/5
Limited: 1/5