Marvel VS Card of the Day
Caped Crusader
DC Origins
Date Reviewed: 7.20.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.6
Limited Average Rating: 3.7
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

IQ |
Batman, Caped
hmmm, I had
heard great things about this guy right
after the initial release of DC but I'm
simply not impressed. His stats are ok for a
five drop but his ability is rather lacking.
Four drops are usually pretty good stat ways
and what normally makes the big difference
between your four and five drops is the
ability the five drop has to offer. When it
comes to five drops for the Knights I take
Lady Shiva over this guy any day of the
week, her stats match his and her ability is
a lot better.
A five drop is a
five drop in this environment and that's the
only thing this guy has going for him. I
could think of a lot of other five drops I
would rather have over this guy but let,s
not even go there, *cough* Garth *cough*

Nakaiya21 |
Batman – Caped
This card
constitutes one of the many reasons why my next
deck will probably be a Gotham Knights deck.
Why do I like this card so much? It isn’t the
attack/defense stats of this card (they are
average for a 5 drop). It is the kick butt
effect. Trust me, if I can get this guy to drop
on turn five my opponent will probably squirm.
Being able to do a lot of damage (10+) in a
single attack is very crucial in this game. If
you can get you opponent low enough, quick
enough then there is really not a chance that
they can recover. What easier way is there to
do this than by insuring that your opponent will
take at least twice the recruit cost of the card
you stun? Sure, they can reinforce their
character, but most of the damage has already
been done….hahaha (evil laugh).
The only thing
keeping this guy from running all over your
opponent is the fact that he has no range and no
flight. I guess we can’t have Batman suddenly
able to fly, can we? Oh well, there are plenty
of characters out there that have shown us how
to work around not having range or flight.
Gotham Knights
constructed deck – 4.5/5.0 ….yes he is that
Limited – 4.5/5.0
….he is still that awesome
Bunch |
Today we kick off our three part look at one of
my favorite DC characters, Batman. Today is
Batman, Caped Crusader. I have one word to say
about his effect: Ouch! (or possibly Bam! Socko!
or Oof!) Stun loss usually takes a backseat to
breakthrough when planning your attacks, but
double that stun loss, and you have a whole new
weapon in your arsenal. If Batman stuns your
opponent's 5 drop, he does an extra 5
damage...that's like a free Savage Beatdown! His
ability triggers in a team attack as well, and
the extra stun damage more than makes up for not
doing any breakthrough.
9/9 for a 5 drop is nice and beefy, and not
having Loyalty makes him an excellent choice in
Limited. The 5 drop has some of my favorite
characters in the game, and Batman is now a
serious contender for a 5 drop in any deck,
although for added fun, run him in a Gotham
Knights/Teen Titans deck, and use Teen Titans
Go! to ready him for another attack. He won't do
any breakthrough, but you won't mind when he's
doing another 10 damage to your opponent.
Constructed - 4.5/5
Limited - 5/5
Johnny Blaze |
Batman DOR – 004
Caped Crusader – With the new set of DC out for
about a week or so we are going to look at one
of the most popular hero’s in DC: The Batman.
Including Marvel, half of all 5 drop characters
in this game have an ATK of 9. This places the
Caped Crusader in the middle of them all. What
may give him the edge though is in his power.
Along with the Gotham Knights team affiliation,
which is one of the best in DC, Batman’s power
can cause extra damage just by stunning.
Say Batman has stunned another 5 drop character.
In addition to the 5 stun Endurance loss, your
opponent will also take another 5 due to Bat’s
ability. And if you had caused BEL of say
another 5 that would be a whopping 15 endurance
loss your opponent takes just for that attack.
Constructed – 4/5 Because of his overall
popularity expect to see Batman played quite
often. And also because of his high damage
capability expect to see Batman played quite
Limited – 4/5 Any character that can cause
double stun endurance loss for his Triggered
Power is a most definite pull. You don’t even
have to rely on his Team Affiliation.
Paul Hagan |
Batman, Caped
Crusader --
As far as 5-Drops go, Batman, Caped Crusader is
pretty solid. He has a decent ATK and DEF, on
par with most other characters in his cost
range, and his ability is great! Don't you have
whenever you can't push any extra damage in?
Don't worry, Batman has a way to get a few extra
points in no matter what! I would think that,
over the course of an average game, the Caped
Crusader probably deals between 12 - 18 points
of extra endurance due to his ability -- not bad
at all.
In limited, as Batman is a 5-Drop, he
automatically goes up a few points. With a cool
ability and a decent body, he moves up a few
more. I would probably scoop Batman fairly early
in any draft, and unless I have a massive amount
of quality Big Men in my sealed pack, Batman
will make the cut.
Overall, I only see one major weak point to
Batman -- no flight or range. Yes, I'm aware
that Batman doesn't fly or gun people down, but
the fact that he lacks either of these makes him
a bit less than he could be.
Constructed Rating: 3.5
Limited Rating: 3.5