Marvel VS Card of the Day
Force Field
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 6.03.04
Constructed Average Rating: 2.5
Limited Average Rating: 2.875
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
Personal Force
PFF is a very nice trick. You can slap it on a
character that is a bit weak in DEF, or you can
slap it on a little guy that is critical to your
deck when you don't want to get demolished by
break through damage. It gives both it and you
In limited, it's an excellent and versatile
card. Versatility is key in CCGs, and this thing
qualifies. Definitely play it, and pick it
fairly high in drafts.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 4
Paul Hagan |
Personal Force Field
I'm not a huge fan of this card, but in the
right deck, it's OK. The fact that you can
essentially protect your character from anything
your opponent does to it barring simple combat
is great, especially with the boost to DEF.
However, the fact that the card also prevents
*you* from targeting your character is pretty
bad. I do believe the card belongs in any
Unaffiliated deck, which is a bonus.
In limited, there tends to be a better card in
the pack, even late. Only pick this card if it
is in way late and the rest of the pack is bad.
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Limited Rating: 2.0

IQ |
Personal Force Field
What to say about a card that turns Mr Fantastic
(5) into a very frustrating character? I’ve been
working on a couple of Fantastic control/stall
decks and I’ve been having a field day with this
card. And as much as I may like pulling off
stupid tricks with this card it doesn’t make it
a very playable card. It is a fun card but its
recruit cost pretty much translates into a sing
that reads “Look at Acrobatic Dodge or even
Unstable Molecules because I will screw up your
I would say that depending on what else is in
the pack this card could be a first pick but I
know not everyone else out there is a defensive
player so I will bite my tongue. I will say that
this card is very strong in an environment where
there aren’t a lot of modifiers and that this
card alone could practically turn your 3 drop
into a 4 drop stat ways, but this card will
probably be the reason why you are playing a 3
drop on turn 4. ><

Nakaiya21 |
Personal Force Field
This must be stall week…or reinforcement
week….Once again we are going
to take a look at a casual card that can create
a stall situation and
give one of your characters reinforcement. With
a recruit cost of 1,
this card will not make its way into many
tournament worthy decks (if
any). Why? Simple, right now the object of the
game is to knock your
opponent down and then kick them while they are
down. Not easy to do
if you are going to load up on cards that cost
you recruit points and
only give your characters some protection.
Personally, I would take
Advanced Hardware over this card any day.
Not to say that this card is all bad….A +3
defense for your character
is not too shabby and reinforcement is a great
way to hang in there.
Not to mention a card such as Finishing Move can
no longer be effective
for your opponent….
Still, if you are going to try to be competitive
there are much better
cards you could be playing…trust me on this
Constructed – 2.5/5.0 …..this card just doesn’t
quite have what it
Limited – 3.0/5.0 …a good card to use in limited
to protect yourself,
but it comes at a higher cost….