Marvel VS Card of the Day
Super Skrull,
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 6.04.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.125
Limited Average Rating: 3.125
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
Super Skrull,
Engineered Super-Soldier
Yikes! I had this guy played against me, and
ugh! 10/10 isn't that great for a 6 drop, but
his pump ability is devastating, and a 16/16 IS
great for a 6 drop. He can take out a lot of
creatures, and he can also be your game
finisher. Just pump away. You'll have to watch
your card count some, but since we're drawing 2
a turn, we can probably manage that just fine.
In limited he's amazing. Anything that can pump
heavily like this guy is. First pick him in
draft, and give him a slot in sealed. Nice!
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 4

IQ |
Super Skrull,
Engineered Super-Soldier
hmmm… this guy
again. I had a debate with a fellow playtester
recently about this card and whether it’s decent
or not. His stats are rather low for a 6 drop
and are not much bigger than your average 5 drop
but he can get bigger. I don’t think this guy
will see any play in any deck other than a
Skrull deck and I have to base his rating on how
viable a Skrull deck is.
I would love to give
my full opinion on why Skrull decks are a lot
better than most people think but that’s an
article waiting to happen. What I will say is
that Skrull decks can take down a lot of the
dominant decks in the current environment and I
will advice everyone and anyone who has never
built a Skrull deck to try one out before you
make up your mind about how unplayable Skrulls
are with out even trying them. And for those of
you that have tried Skrull decks before I will
only say… 4 Super Skrulls, 4 Ant-Man and every
other character’s a Skrull Soldier.
He’s big and can get
bigger… if you can actually get him in play.
I’ve learned to take anything big that comes my
way because whether I use it or not I’ll ensure
that my opponent won’t use it against me in a
format that’s ruled by a lot of small armies
taking this guy might not be such a bad idea.
Paul Hagan |
Super Skrull,
Engineered Super Soldier --
Of the six-drops in the set, this card is
definitely one of the Top 5. The ability to
become a 13/13 is easily activated, and no one
complains about their opponent losing 3
endurance. The fact that you can ready front-row
Skrull characters is only mediocre, but it will
more than likely improve as more Marvel sets
come out. I hope this character sees more play;
he definitely deserves it.
In limited, this is a 1st pick -- easy. There
has to be an amazing card in the pack to skip
over the Super-Skrull, and that won't happen
Constucted: 3.5 -- only because of a bad
Limited: 4.5
Jon Matthews |
Super Skrull,
Engineered Super-Soldier: Guy has decent
abilities that require discarding a car, worth
the ability. Only problem i have is the fact
that this card really only belongs in a Skrull
deck. Hes very good in limited for sure, but I
do not see him in any constructive play: FINAL
RATING: Constructed- 2.5 Limited- 3.5

Nakaiya21 |
Super Skrull –
Engineered Super-Solider
It slices, it dices, its Super Skrull –
Engineered Super-Solider!
Actually the versatility of this card is about
the only good thing
going for it. You can do some pretty cool things
with this card, but
usually at a cost. Let’s look at each effect:
1.) When this card is attacked or attacks, you
can discard a card
from your hand to give this guy a +3/+3 for the
turn. Need a bigger
boost? Just keep discarding to pump up your
super-soldier (from what I
have seen this effect is cumulative). Now the
bad side….discarding a
card from your hand is NEVER a good thing to do.
No matter what card
game you are playing, having hand advantage is
always part of a game
winning strategy.
2.) The second effect allows you to ready all
front row army
skrulls you control when Super Skrull is
attacked or attacks. Nice
effect if you have multiple skrulls that you
need to ready in a hurry.
Bad side? Oh yeah, this effect has a bad side.
First, if you have a
bunch of front row army skrulls and you do not
have initiative you have
a problem…a big problem. You are probably going
to end up with a bunch
of stunned characters that this guy can’t ready.
Another thing you
need to keep in mind is that the Skrull Solider
– Army characters only
get their effect if you have some of them in the
support row. I guess
you could put one skrull army character out
front, put a bunch in the
back along with this guy, and then activate the
front row army
character twice when you initiate your attack
with your Super Skrull.
3.) The third effect states that each of your
opponents loses 3
endurance when yor Super Skrull attacks or is
attacked. Sweet! I
can’t think of anything bad about that.
This guy also has flight and range…the best of
both worlds. If this
guy worked better with the Skrull Soldier – Army
characters then this
guy would be an absolute nightmare…
Constructed – 2.5/5.0 …this card needs a lot of
help in order to use
the effects effectively…you would be better off
with a character such
as Rogue – Powerhouse
All else – 1.5/5.0 …this card is way too hard to
pull off in a limited