Marvel VS Card of the Day
Dr. Doom,
Victor Von Doom
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 6.07.04
Constructed Average Rating: 4.1
Limited Average Rating: 3.8
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
Dr. Doom, Victor
Von Doom One of the critical
pieces of the Doom decks. Upper Deck carefully
crafted the evolution of Dr. Doom from 4 drop to
6 drop to 8 drop, giving us a very balanced
character that finds strength through synergy
with it's other characters and related Plot
Twists and Locations. Victor's ability to
quelch plot twists from being played from
opponent's resource rows is much more diabolical
than it at first sounds. Since the evolution
before, Dr. Doom Diabolic Genius, keeps
opponents from playing Plot Twists from your
opponent's hands, they are already in a bad
predicament. Do they hold the Twists, knowing
that Victor will soon show up? Or play them down
now, in hopes of being able to capitalize on
them immediately? Yikes. And then there is
Victor, hurting any resources that didn't manage
to be used in the meanwhile. Oof.
In limited, it's a 6 drop
13/12 and you scoop him up in draft unless you
have something else totally amazing in your
Constructed: 4
Limited: 3.5
Jon Matthews |
Dr. Doom, Victor Von
Doom: I have to say fiirst before rating any Dr.
Doom cards that yes, Doom deck is my favorite
current deck at this time, and no doom deck can
go without 1 of these. His ability is pretty
good, allowing a "stall" in the opponent's
resource row. Hes very good in both limited and
constructed. His attack and defense are pretty
good for a 6 cost as well. FINAL RATING:
Constructed-4 Limited-3.5

IQ |
Dr. Doom, Victor Von
Ladies and gentlemen come one over and see the
living wall that is also know as… Victor Von
The ruler of destruction is also know as the
master of stall, but most know him as that @%&!
Bastard with a 15 DEF (See Doomstadt) who
Relocates my Locations and I can’t get them
back! This character is hands down the most
annoying 6 drop in the game because if you can
name another 6 drop who’s better than him it
better be one that can’t be Paralyzed. This guy
offers, a decent ATK value, a high DEF, plot
twist disruption and an arsenal of very powerful
plot twist. Besides, he’ll ensure you make it to
turn 7… *cough* Gamma Bomb *cough* ^_<
If you see him take him! It’s as simple as that.
Big characters are pretty hard to come by in
this environment and he’s no Magneto 7 but if he
drops on turn 6 I can almost guarantee you’ll be
making it to turn 7. In this format he offers 2
major things than you won’t see in limited, high
stats for a decent cost and Range which you
might not think too much off but it’s there
incase you need it.
Paul Hagan |
Dr. Doom, Victor Von
Doom --
Personally, I think this card is the best
six-drop in the game. He has the highest power
of any six-drop (tied with Sabretooth, Victor
Creed) and he has the second highest defense
(just behind Master Mold). Attached to this
massive body is a killer ability that can
absolutely wreck your opponent's gameplan. The
fact that he goes in one of the best decks out
there right now only adds to his value.
In limited, this card is a first pick -- most
games rely on Turn 6 and Turn 7 plays to end,
and Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom fits perfectly
into the curve.
Constructed Rating: 4.5
Limited Rating: 4.5

Nakaiya21 |
Monday, June 7, 2004
– Dr. Doom – Victor Von Doom
Welcome to doom week! This week we honor the
deck that strikes fear in
the hearts of all other decks…after turn 6. Why?
Simple, it is
because turn six allows a doom deck to get this
card, Dr. Doom – Victor
Von Doom, on the field. If you are like me, you
play almost all of
your plot twist from your resource row; so when
this card hits the
field you know that you are in trouble.
The problem with this card, and doom decks in
general, is the fact that
you have to stall your opponent until you can
get this card on the
field…and since you will only be running 2-3 of
these cards, to keep
your curve down, that could take awhile. You see
doom decks work
extremely well past turn 6, granted your
characters are lining up
properly…otherwise they run into problems…like
getting run over before
you can take out your opponent. The most common
thing I hear from doom
people is, “If I could only have stayed alive
one more turn”.
Anyways, I would say this card is a must in a
well constructed doom
deck. Look at is this way: Cost to recruit Dr.
Doom – Victor Von
Doom: 6…. Screwing your opponent out of their
plot twists: priceless.
Doom constructed deck – 4.5/5.0 …..a great card
if you can get it out
on turn 6
All else – 1.0/5.0 …….you really need to put
this card in a doom
constructed deck to make it work for you