Marvel VS Card of the Day
Dr. Doom,
Diabolic Genius
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 6.09.04
Constructed Average Rating: 4.44
Limited Average Rating: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
Dr. Doom,
Diabloic Genius The first of
the Doc Dooms to hit the board for the Doom
deck, Genius is a strong 4 drop with mad synergy
with its deck. Again, its quelch on Plot Twists
can be signifcant to how the game plays out.
Plot Twists have proven to be the difference
between a good deck and a great deck, and Genius
wants to help you swing the game in your
In limited, playing this
card gets much more appealing if you have some
synergetic Plot Twists and Locations. The more,
the better and the more you should consider
playing this Diabolic Genius.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 3.5
Jon Matthews |
Dr. Doom, Diabloic
Genius: In my opinion, the second best 4 drop in
the game, the best early game drop in doom
decks, and my favorite card in the set. With
Doomstat in the resource row he bemoes a 9
defense, and thats pretty good for a 4 drop, and
at times can handle a 4 drop sabertooth with an
acrobatic dodge in the resource row. Oh, did I
mention his ability?? In limited, the same, very
good and I think should be played no matter
what. There are times where you get a bomb plot
twist like savage beatdown, and this guy can
make it 2 savage beatdowns if played right.
FINAL RATING: Constructed- 5 Limited- 5

IQ |
Dr. Doom, Diabolic
Before I say
anything else let me say this… I *heart* Doom
(6) but I fear this guy a lot more.
This Dr. Doom has ok
stats but his ability to flip Plot Twist face
down is AMAZING! Combine that ability with
Avalon Space Station and can you say double
Mystical paralysis? Don’t think waiting until
turn 5 to be able to pull that off is worth it?
How about infinite Gamma Bomb? I personally
think this is the best Dr. Doom out there, but
it’s not because of his stats or his abilities.
It’s because of his cost of 4, he drops before
any other Doom, helps Doom decks stabilize
before Sabertooth goes bonkers and he’s not too
He’s a 4 drop with
neat abilities, range and stats that fall in par
with most 4 drops. He’s not great but he’s still
useful and since he’s not a rare you might
actually get to see him in a draft. Think that
about covers him.
Paul Hagan |
Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius --
On the last CotD, I announced that Dr. Doom,
Victor Von Doom was the best six-drop in the
game. Meet his counterpart, the smaller and
somewhat better Doom. I cannot name him best
four-drop in the game (that honor probably
belongs to Sabretooth, Feral Rage), but this
Doom isn't, he comes in a *very close* second
place. Diabolic Genius comes fully equipped
with two obscene abilities: one that allows
you to reuse your most abusive plot twists and
the other making it harder for your opponent
to play his or her plot twists.
In limited, I haven't had a chance to play
with Diabolic Genius, but I would assume that
if you can scoop a few extra Doom cards, he
would be more than worth playing.
Constructed Rating: 4.75
Limited Ration: 3.5

Nakaiya21 |
Dr. Doom – Diabolic Genius
We continue doom week with a look at another
popular doom card, Dr.
Doom – Diabolic Genius. I am not really
impressed with the effect that
keeps you opponent from playing plot twists
from your hand…face it –
most people don’t. However, this card has
several good points. First
it allows you to turn a face-up plot twist you
control face down. This
is a lot more powerful than you may think…in
fact if timed just right,
it could really put a hurt on your opponent.
Not bad stats either. A
7/6 is pretty standard for many of the 4 drops
out there. However, team
this up with Doomstadt and you have a pretty
nice character on the
A good doom deck will probably have four of
these guys in it. After
all, when one of these guys hits the field you
can be sure that your
opponent is going to hit it with everything
they got in order to take
it out as soon as possible. You see doom decks
revolve, for the most
part, on getting a doom of some sort on the
field and then tap dancing
all over your opponent’s carefully laid plans
– thereby making them
wish they were anywhere else. And let’s face
it, this is the first
doom you can get on the field to make your
evil dreams a reality…
Doom constructed deck – 4.5/5.0 …….Ya gotta
love this guy
Limited – 4.0/5.0 ……Being able to turn down a
plot twist in order to
use it again is just plain sweet