Marvel VS Card of the Day
Not So
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 6.21.04
Constructed Average Rating: 2.33
Limited Average Rating: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Not So Fast
Ok, here's the thing
about this card. I know it's good - I'm just
not sure if it's all that good. At best I can
see it stopping your opponent’s annoying Foiled
from taking out your New Brotherhood a turn or
two before you would like it to be gone.
Besides that the only other cards out there with
a threshold cost of one or less that people play
are Flying Kick and Burn Rubber. Sure, both can
be a thorn in your side, but is this card really
worth a spot in your deck? I don't think so,
especially if you've got to discard to use the
In a limited format,
I can see people getting a little more use out
of this card....there are more common low
threshold plot twists lurking around that may
become a nuisance...shake them off with this
Overall – 2.0/5.0
…..oh gee it is Not So Fast…better look out….
Limited – 3.0/5.0
……it isn’t the worst card you could pull….
Johnny Blaze |
Not So Fast
As an additional cost to play Not So Fast,
discard a card. Negate target non-ongoing plot
twist effect with a threshold cost of 1 or less.
A threshold cost of 2 in order to play this plot
twist and discard a card from your hand to
negate a non-ongoing plot twist cost of 1 or
less. Basically you are giving up 3 for 1 for
this card. This card would have been a lot
better if it could negate an ongoing plot twist
of 1 or less. I could see this card being played
in a defensive deck but there are a lot more
cards that you can choose from that would better
help your deck than this one. Most of the better
non-ongoing plot twists have a higher threshold
cost than 1 anyways.
Constructed: - 2.5/5
Limited: - 2/5
Paul Hagan |
Not So Fast --
When I first saw this card, I thought it was
really, really limited in what it could do, and
thus, was bad. Now, as the game has progressed,
I realize that a *lot* of the cards that you
have a tendency to worry about have a threshold
cost of 1. Acrobatic Dodge, Flying Kick, and
Overload all see a fair amount of play, making
Not So Fast...well, um, Not So Bad. It still
isn't the best card in the world, but its stock
has risen since the game came out.
In limited, however, Not So Fast is Not So Good.
Instead of being in your deck against popular
cards, it turns into more of a crap shoot, and
with only 30 slots in any limited deck to fill,
Not So Fast generally shouldn't make the cut.
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 1.0 |