Marvel VS Card of the Day
Doc Ock Starter
Date Reviewed: 6.28.04
Constructed Average Rating: 4.25
Limited Average Rating: 2.0
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Green Goblin –
Norman Osborn
This week we are looking at some of the brand
new, really nasty sinister syndicate characters
from the Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock starter deck.
What better way to kick this week off than with
(what I consider to be) the baddest sinister
syndicate character out there – Green Goblin.
With this card on the field your opponent’s
support row characters are no longer safe. There
is a reason why this guy is laughing. You will
be too as you KO one of your opponent’s
unprotected support row characters and give them
endurance loss equal to the character’s cost.
Add the fact that this guy has flight and range
and you have one nasty character.
This guy does have a cost of discarding another
SS character to activate its effect. Considering
that people only have the starter deck to work
with right now, this might be a problem. That’s
why you run two team affiliations. Running a
FF/SS or Brotherhood/SS deck right now will
probably guarantee you a top spot at tournament.
(Especially if you run a Brotherhood/SS with
Avalon Space Station so that you can recover
whatever it is that you discard.)
Sinister Syndicate constructed deck – 4.5/5.0
…..this card screams “build a deck around me”
Limited – 1.5/5.0 …...unless you get a lot of SS
characters don’t even bother with this card
Johnny Blaze |
Green Goblin - It
seems that the theme to Sinister Syndicate is to
discard your own Sinister Syndicate character to
do something nasty to your opponent. Lets see
what Gobby has to offer. Gobby's power can only
be used during the attack step and you get to KO
an unprotected support row character and then
its controller loses endurance equal to that
characters cost.
His ATK + DEF at 9/9 is average for your 5 drop.
And by turn 5 there is usually more than 1
character in your opponents support row, which
wont leave for too much room to utilize Gobby's
power. However if played against the right deck
his power is way undercosted. Then use a
Surprise attack and boom lose another 5
Constructed - 3/5
Limited - 4/5
Paul Hagan |
Green Goblin, Norman
Osborne --
I am so impressed with this character! He has a
good body (9/9) for a 5-Drop, Flight, Range, and
a great ability! Unlike many characters with
abilities that can only be used during a
specific phase or step, Green Goblin's really
doesn't matter, because even if you don't get to
use it to automatically off one of your
opponent's characters, they still have to deal
with a 9 DEF to get to you. Let's be honest, too
-- you can engineer your entire turn to making
Green Goblin off the biggest threat on your
opponent's side of the board.
In limited, Goblin actually drops a notch just
because you have to have another Syndicate
character to make his ability work. However, he
does have a decent body, so I can't dog him in
that aspect. When drafting, I wouldn't pick this
guy first, but I also wouldn't let him go by
more than once.
Also, for what its worth, this card has amazing
art -- I love it!
Constructed Rating: 4.0
Limited Rating: 2.5