Marvel VS Card of the Day
Antarctic Research Base
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 5.10.04
Constructed Average Rating: 4.75
Limited Average Rating: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* Game Store owner in
CA, ShuffleAndCut
Fantastic Four combo deck is fun, but it needs
fuel - something to keep it going and make sure
it does what it does right and fast. This
is what the base is for. Being able to
draw a card for each Equipment recruited helps
keep the hand full and the options open.
Most FF decks will play it.
In limited, it's not
as good since you will generally only get 1-3
equipment. Play it if you're not tight on
your slots - it will help you find your better
cards faster. If you're having a hard time
cutting down to 30, cut this one out
Limited: 3
Current Price: $11.99 |

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
Card draw is always a good thing. If you're
running a Fantastic Four deck, and you are
utilizing equipment, this card can gain you
some decent card advantage. Since Fantastic
Four has a great way to take advantage of
equipment laden decks with Mr. Fantastic,
Stretch, this should be an auto include in the
In limited, you probably won't have a focused
enough deck to take advantage of it. But, if
you happen to, play it.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 2.5

*game store employee
This would go great in a Fantrastic Four deck.
Makes all of your equipment replace itself.
Play a few characters, a bunch of equipment,
and you can get to the good stuff fast. A
definate must include for a Fantastic Four
In limited, the chances that you will both get
enough playable equipment to warrant playing
this is very low. I wouldn't say it would be
strong, but maybe if you were struggling for a
30th card, this could fill the bill.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 2.5
Paul Hagan |
This card can get seriously,
seriously sick if left alone. If you have ever
been on the receiving end of this card going
off, you know what I'm talking about. In fact,
I would say that this is one of the reasons
almost everyone should be running a way to get
rid of their opponent's locations, be it
through Kaboom, Avalanche, Relocation, or
whatever.If you haven't been on the
receiving end, let me sum it up briefly. On
turn 5 or 6, you will usually have between 2
and 4 cards in your hand. Antarctic Research
Base, in the appropriate deck, can have that
number up to between 6 and 8. Combine this
with the fact that it lets you go through more
cards to ensure that you have the
appropriately sized drop for that turn (i.e.,
Thing, Heavy Hitter on turn 5), then you have
one of the best locations in the game.
As far as limited goes, if you see this
card early, scoop it and draft up some
equipment, its more than worth it.
The only reason I won't give this card a
5.0 rating is because it has to be used with
Fantastic Four, so it doesn't get to hang out
in any deck you feel like.
Constructed Rating: 4.0
Limited Rating: 3.0