Marvel VS Card of the Day
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 5.24.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.65
Limited Average Rating: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* Game Store owner in
CA, ShuffleAndCut
Here it is ladies
and gents The Fantastic Flying Bathtub!
I'm sorry but I
think this is my favorite equipment in this set
and here's the reason why the
deck even exists. I consider this card the best
equipment because it increases your ATK, DEF,
gives flight and only cost 1. The fact that it's
tied to the team with Mr Fantastic and Artic
Research Base is just the hell of a bonus if you
ask me. I don't know what else to say about this
card that hasn't been said already other than
who could have taught the Fantasticar was better
than the Blackbird? 0.o
Rating 3.5
When it comes to
limited I still like this card because of 2
reasons. 1) Its a cheaper blackbird when it
comes to this format for all intents and flying
purposes. 2) The Fantastic crew is in boosters
and a decent amount of them are commons and
un-commons which means you might get this cards
full effects more than expected in a limited
format. The only bad thing this card has going
against it in this format other that its tie to
the F4 is that its a rare and that you
shouldnt hope to see more than one.
Rating 2.5

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
Fantasticar gives Fantastic Four characters an
ability they otherwise often lack in general,
Flight. It also gives them a nice +1/+1 boost.
It's vulnerability is in that it's an Equipment,
and falls to the fate of whatever it's
equipping. If it were a location or ongoing plot
twist, great. But being an equipment does down
grade it a bit. Still, it has found it's way
into the Fantastic Four decks out there, and
will most likely remain a staple
In limited, it's much weaker of course, due to
it's affiliation with FF for the ATK/DEF boost.
If your draft or sealed lacks flight, or if you
are going heavy FF, then it's decent. Otherwise,
not so good, boss
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 2
Paul Hagan |
Fantasticar --
Ok, after the last three days of equipment, I've
felt kinda bad. The best I gave a card was 3.0,
and even that I think might have been pushing
it. Fantasticar is going to make it all better,
though, as I think its in the Top 3 pieces of
equipment in the game.
First, the 'Car goes in the right deck:
Fantastic Four. With four or five different
cards that interact with equipment, FF decks
will usually be running 2, if not 4, of this
Second, your whole team benefits from the effect
of one piece of equipment, making it more like a
location or an ongoing plot twist. Bonus points
for that.
Finally, its cheap. Although I've said
throughout the week that the cost is the biggest
drawback to equipment, this card is perfectly
balanced. One RP for +1/+1 to your whole team
is more than acceptable.
In limited, if you've got around 5 or 6 FF
characters, scoop this card immediately. Its
worth it.
Constructed Rating: 4.0
Limited Rating: 3.0

Nakaiya21 |
Monday, May 24, 2004
- Fantasticar
The card is one of the main reasons why people
cringe when they face a fantastic four deck.
Yes, it is that good. In fact, I would go so far
as to say that this card is one on the main
reasons why a fantastic
four deck is one of the top two most powerful
decks out there today.
Seriously, have you ever been faced with a
situation where you are face to face with a
field of fantastic four characters - all
equipped with fantasticars? I have....it wasn't
pretty. Unfortunately, I am still dealing with
the bruise my dueling pride took over getting
spanked that
You see, fantastic four decks revolve mainly
around getting this card on the field, getting
it equipped to something big and nasty (making
everything on your side of the field bigger and
nastier), and then running all over your
opponent(s) while they stand by helpless. With
cards such as Baxter Building, Mr. Fantastic -
Scientific Genius, Mr.
Fantastic - Reed Richards, and even Mr.
Fantastic - Stretch;
you have a lot of support for getting this card
on the field.
If you are running a fantastic four deck, you
better be running 4 fantasticars. They are cheap
(as far as a recruit cost), they are somewhat
easy to get (cost no more than $10), they give
your characters flight, they give ALL fantastic
four characters +1/+1, they are cummulative.....do
I really need to keep going here?
Fantastic Four Deck - 5.0/5.0 ....How can you go
wrong with this card in your deck?
Anything Else - 2.0/5.0 ....it gives you
flying...big deal
-Nakaiya21 |