Marvel VS Card of the Day
Finishing Move
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 5.26.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.75
Limited Average Rating: 4.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
Finishing Move
Nice. Finishing Move gives you the ability to
chose which character your opponent will lose if
you can manage to stun it. It makes team attacks
much sweeter, and gives you some excellent
control in a game situation. Taking out your
opponent's biggest or most menacing character
can have a big effect on the game state, and
gain you some advantage.
In limited, once again a universally great card.
An early pick if not first pick in draft, and a
definite play in sealed deck format.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 4.5

Nakaiya21 |
I know that a lot of
people like this card.I mean really, really like
this card. I am not one of them. I think that I
will stick with the
opinion that this card is overrated..not a bad
card, mind you, just
overrated. Why? Well, that is simple.I don't
fear this card. In
fact, I usually encourage my opponents to try
this move. You see, as I
have mentioned before, I play an X-men deck.what
I neglected to mention
was that I play a You-Can't
Get-Rid-Of-My-Characters X-men deck.
Whenever someone tries to use finishing move on
one of my characters, I
simply use Children of the Atom or Muir Island.
It is kind of funny to
see the look on an opponent's face when they
work so hard to try to
finish off my character for good and I shut them
Even though I feel this card is overrated, I
would still run 2 - 3 in a
deck. They can help in a pinch if you really
need them. Just make
sure you keep one in your resource row. In my
deck I run a couple
(just in case something really nasty hits the
field), but I make sure
not to use them until I absolutely have to. Why?
Simple.why would you
try to take out an opponent's monster
permanently when you could just
hit and stun it repeatedly?
Here is another piece of advice.. If you plan on
using this card, don't
tag team with all of your characters except one.
Your opponent is
obviously going to see your attack for what it
truly is and instead of
letting your attack go without much protest,
they will fight with
everything they have.
I think I will finish up by saying something
about the good points of
this card....This card is cheap (recruit value),
it is easy to get, and
it has the ability to take out one of your
opponent's characters (at
the cost of exhausting your own
character).....Trust me, when you get
this card to work it can be extremely
devastating..I would even
possibly say game winning..
Constructed - 3.5/5.0 ..People know that this
card is out there.they
do plan accordingly..
All else - 4.0/5.0 ....This card will definitely
help you in a
drafting situation - not to mention the fact
that when this card works
it is really fun...