Marvel VS Card of the Day
Lois Lane
- Star Reporter
DC Origins
Date Reviewed: 11.24.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 3.15
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Lois Lane – Star
Before I begin I want to wish everyone out there
a great Thanksgiving holiday!!!
Ahhh, now I know some of you are asking
yourself, “Why in the heck would she choose this
card of all cards?” Well, I basically chose this
card because it is a great example of how
Upperdeck turns a great idea into a bad idea.
How so? Well, kids just sit back and let me tell
you a little bit about this card.
As a 1/1 for a 1-drop, you already realize that
this card was simply meant to be played for its
effect alone. Therefore I am only going to touch
on this card’s effect and ignore all else.
This card is great in that it combines two great
ideas from the previous set, Web of Spiderman.
First there is the ability to discard a Team
Superman character card from your hand rather
than pay the recruit cost. This means that you
can always recruit Lois Lane at any point in the
game, when you absolutely need her effect,
without having to worry about screwing up your
resource points for your current drop. The
second effect is a Twist of Fate effect whereby
you can reveal the top four cards of you deck,
grab a team superman character from among them,
and put it into your hand (putting the remaining
card on the bottom of your deck). Now, any
spider-friends person can tell you that Twist of
Fate is extremely beneficial and being able to
get that type of effect without having to
discard a character first is really great.
However, this card has some serious drawbacks. I
think Upperdeck’s idea was to not create another
Boris of Alfred, and instead concentrate on
giving a card that would be more accessible for
everyone, especially in a sealed setting. So
instead of making her a rare which said
something like the following:
Activate, Return Lois Lane to your deck (or
hand) -> Reveal the top four cards of you deck,
select a team superman character from among them
and put it into your hand, putting the remaining
card on the bottom of your deck - use this power
once per turn.
we got an uncommon 1-drop with a decent effect
that becomes an immediate liability after
hitting the field. Ok, so now I could go into
liability and how that is an extremely bad thing
in this game, but I think that if you play this
game you already know what I am talking
about….at least I hope so. If you have no idea
what I am talking about then you need to quit
playing this game immediately.
Team Superman constructed – 3.0/5.0 ...She
doesn’t have the best searching capabilities so
only use her if you really need her.
Limited – 3.5/5.0 ...Even though she becomes a
liability after hitting the field, any type of
searching in this format is always a good idea.

Johnny Blaze |
Lois Lane - Star
Your avg. stats
for a 1/1 drop. In fact, all the 1 drop Team
Superman characters all sport 1/1 as their stats
and have the free recruit capability as long as
you discard a Team Superman character from your
Lois’ special is very similar to Twist of Fate
and Boliver Trask over from the Marvel side. A
nice way of thinning your deck and getting
another Team Superman out of the Top 4 cards of
your deck.
Limited: 3/5 – She wont last very long but just
enough to search for another Team Superman
character on when she comes into play works for
Constructed: 3/5- This is entirely up to you and
the strategy of your deck. There are 4 different
1 drop Team Superman characters and depending on
your theme, it is entirely up to you. I do like
Jimmy Olson’s +1/+1 pump to Team Superman
characters that protect him though. But Lois
will work too just to get through your deck
quicker and hopefully pull another Team Superman
character from the Top 4.
Bunch |
Lois Lane - Star
Lois Lane is one of those cards that can really
help you late game when you're about to miss a
drop. Pitch a useless small drop, and you have 4
more chances to find the card you need to
recruit that turn. Her stats suck, but there are
enough protective measures in Team Superman to
keep her from being too much of a liability in
combat. Man of Tomorrow is the better play
because it guarantees you a Superman character
to play, but if you're looking for Superman's
support characters, then Lois is the way to go.
If nothing else, you can discard her for Man of
Tomorrow's cost, so multiple copies of her won't
clog your deck up too much.
In Limited, missing a drop is always a concern,
and with a 30 card deck, your odds get a lot
better of finding what you want with Lois'
effect. The alternate recruit cost is always
nice for swarm purposes, and board advantage,
however slight it may be, is a plus in any game.
You'll usually be able to grab her late too.
Constructed - 3/5
Limited - 3/5