Marvel VS Card of the Day

White – Chief
DC Origins
Date Reviewed: 11.26.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.15
Limited Average Rating: 2.95
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Perry White – Chief
I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving
holiday! Personally I am thankful that I live
near a Boston Market. As you can probably tell I
am not exactly the domesticated type.
Anyways, today we are going to look at a card
that I chose just because I thought it had a
really great PITA (Pain In The umm…Butt) factor.
Now here is a card that definitely deserves to
be a rare!
As I have said before, if you are dealing with a
1/1 1-drop character, you are only going to use
the card for its effect. This is definitely the
case with this card. Perry White allows you to
look at a target face-down resource your
opponent controls during the combat phase and
replace it if he is being protected (like you
are ever going to leave him unprotected). Unlike
Lois Lane, the idea of having a liability on the
field suddenly becomes appealing.
What does this mean? Well first it insures that
your opponent either starts putting characters
and equipment into the resource row or lose
their plot twists. Second, it allows you to
replace their plot twists which insures the
possibility of your opponent putting characters
into their resource row. Third, it is a great
way to anger your opponent into doing something
Now, you do have to keep in mind that the target
you chose has to remain face down upon
resolution in order for you to get the effect.
As we have learned in the case of Purple Man,
this is not always as easy as it sounds,
especially if you opponent is running a deck
that is location heavy. However, I would
definitely throw a couple of these cards into my
deck just for s&g’s.
Team Superman constructed deck – 3.0/5.0 ...Keep
in mind that Perry’s effect is a little more
difficult to pull off than it initially seems.
Sealed – 3.5/5.0 ...You will be able to use
Perry’s effect more in this format than you will
in constructed, however, you also find more
characters in the resource row in this format.

Johnny Blaze |
Perry White – Chief
Here is another
one of our Team Superman 1 drops. Here we have
Chief of the Daily Planet, Perry White. Again
average stats at 1/1. What shines here is his
ability to manipulate resources. I guess that
comes with his leadership abilities in running
the largest newspaper company in Metropolis.
As long as Perry White is protected you can look
at a target face-down resource that your
opponent controls and replace it with the top
card of their deck. This can be very situational
and of course you cant use it 1st turn unless
you get extremely lucky by recruiting another
character for free.
Limited: 3/5 – I guess you could really screw up
your opponent by replacing one of his resources
with his highest drop character that he drafted.
Constructed: 2/5 – There is one major problem
here. That is if you look at a face down
Location or ongoing plot twist that the opponent
can flip up before it is replaced.
Bunch |
Perry White - Chief
One of the big themes in this set is resource
juggling, yours and your opponent's. Perry White
is huge when it comes to this. Just knowing what
your opponent has waiting for you is a huge
advantage, and being able to nuke it is even
better. You'll always want to keep him
protected, so fulfilling his requirement won't
be a problem. Your opponent will have to be
careful about what they stick in the resource
row, and throwing them off their game that
little bit can work to your favor. Perry's not
going to be getting out from behind his desk to
attack much at all unless you slap some
equipment on him, so let him just sit back and
ruin your opponent's resources.
In Limited, you can really ruin your opponent's
day by replacing a plot twist that he only
pulled one copy of. On the other hand, he can
become a liability really quick, especially if
you don't have the cards to keep him from being
attacked, because he's going to allow some
massive breakthrough. He'd be about the 29th or
30th card I chose to go into a Limited deck, but
your mileage may vary.
Constructed - 4/5
Limited - 2.5/5