Marvel VS Card of the Day
Nice Try
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 10.01.04
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* Game Store owner in
CA, ShuffleAndCut
Nice Try
I don't like this one bit. Spider Friends will
have to be good to use it, and even then, it
doesn't stop enough things to be useful. How
many Plot Twists REALLY target your stuff?
Overload. That's about it.
Even in limited, I'd play it if I was short
slots, but it's not that good.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 3


Nakaiya21 |
Nice Try!
Looks like we are
going to end the week with an interesting plot
twist for all you Spider-Friends fans out
there. Nice try is a great way to stop plot
twists such as Overload, Finishing Move, etc….as
well as all those evil payment effects out there
that could put a serious hurt on your
spider-friends characters. You may not have
room for four of these cards in your
spider-friends deck, but adding a couple
definitely couldn’t hurt.
Bottom line: This
is a decent card for a mono spider-friends deck,
but it may get cut due to lack of room in a
spider-friends variation deck.
Constructed deck – 3.5/5.0 ….I would run 3 of
these cards in a spider-friends deck.
Limited – 2.0/5.0
…You don’t have as many targeting plot twists
and payment effects that can affect you in this
format…not to mention the fact that you need
quite a few SF characters to make this card
worth while.

Johnny Blaze |
Nice Try
Oh boy here we go. A must have card in a
Spider-friends theme deck. I see this as an
equal to or better than Fizzle for Gotham
Knights. You see not only can you negate a plot
twist but you can also negate an ongoing plot
twist or a payment effect that targets a Spider
Friends character that you control. And you get
all of this for the very low cost of 2
resources. Look at all the possibilities here
people no more Savage Beatdowns, you can even
Nice Try their Fizzles, etc. etc.
This game is getting more and more like Magic
with each new expansion. Just think about it MSM
brings us a new mechanic in Evasion. Magic has
new mechanics introduced in their new sets.
Magic has Instants and now VS. has their version
of counters with cards like Fizzle or Nice Try.
Constructed: 4/5 – Again a team specific card
but if you are running Spider friends then this
is a must have staple in any Spider Friends deck
Limited: 3/5 - Countering your opponent’s major
Plot Twist that they spent all that time
drafting is just so sweet. Most likely you will
only be doing it 1 time because how many Nice
Try’s do you expect to draft?
Bunch |
There are too many
bad puns to be made with today's card, so I'm
going to be strong and not make any of them. On
the surface, this looks like a great card; a
free Fizzle for Spider Friends. However, it only
negates effects that target your guys. It won't
do squat against your opponent's Savage
Beatdowns and Acrobatic Dodges. There just
aren't enough plot twists or payment powers in
the meta right now to justify a slot for this
card. This would have been a popular uncommon,
but instead its a bad rare.
In Limited, don't bother. There will almost
always be a better card available when the pack
comes to you.
If you manage to get an almost exclusively
Spider Friends deck together, it might be worth
sticking in, but there's a dozen other rares i'd
rather see than this one.
Constructed - 1.5/5
Limited - 1.75/5