Marvel VS Card of the Day
Alien Symbiote
Date Reviewed: 9.07.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.62
Limited Average Rating: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Venom – Alien
Today we are going
to look at another highly anticipated sinister
syndicate character – Venom – Alien Symbiote.
I like this card. I
mean I really, really like this card. I am
starting to think that I have developed a soft
spot for cards with great potential or alien
symbiotic killers. Either way I am going to
tell everyone up front that I am giving this
card a great rating.
First let’s start
with the stats. A 4-drop character with 7/7
stats is about average – especially since this
guy no flight and range…you really didn’t expect
him to, did you? However, everything changes
when you take into account this guy’s incredible
ability. See when he comes into play you can KO
another SS character to give this guy +1/+1
counters equal to the cost of the character you
KO’d. Confusing? Well, let me elaborate. Say
I play this guy on turn 4 and KO a 2-drop SS
character I currently have on the field. This
means not only have I just cleaned up my field a
little by removing a liability that was on the
field, but I have also given Venom two +1/+1
counters, making him a +9/+9. Wow! You can
even playing him late game, provided you don’t
mind KO-ing a higher drop character. Talk about
versatility! He also has evasion, which means
this guy is going to stick around for a long
Bottom line: This
guy has potential, versatility, and
reliability…what more could you ask for?
SS constructed deck
– 5.0/5.0 ….This guy has it all!
Limited – 4.5/5.0
…If you get this guy in a pack, you don’t pass
him up!

Johnny Blaze |
Venom, Alien
Symbiote – Venom has average beginning stats for
a 4 drop. What is real nice though is his
ability to pump himself based on the cost of
that SS character you just ko’d. If one of your
smaller SS characters have just become a
liability KO it to pump Venom. But the real
sweetness is when you summon Venom on later
turns to make him an incredibly wicked pump with
only a cost of 4. That means while you will be
able to stun your opponent’s larger character,
when Venom stuns, he only takes the 4 endurance
loss while attacking.
Constructed: 3/5 – This is a card I like a lot.
It has the new ability Evasion and the ability
to pump based on what SS character you KO’d is
real nice.
Limited: 4/5 – No Loyalty and the ability to
evade and pump make Venom is a very nice pick in
Bunch |
Venom has always
been one of Spider Man's deadliest foes, and
he's definitely a killer in this set. 7/7 is
average for a 4 drop, but being able to make him
8/8 or even a 10/10 on turn 4 can really make a
difference. You are trading board control for
the extra power, but in exchange you get a guy
who can stun your opponent's 4 drop, probably
stun their 5 drop, then disappear when you play
Venom, Eddie Brock on turn 6. I'm not sure why
they gave him Evasion though, it doesn't seem to
help him out much here.
Otherwise, he's a good addition to your deck.
In Limited, he can be a house. You'll see a lot
of Sinister Syndicate cards come by in draft, so
you'll have something to sacrifice for those
+1/+1 counters.
He doesn't have flight or range, which hurts him
a little, but if you're able to drop a 10/10 on
turn 4, you'll still be cutting a swath through
your opponent's defenses.
Constructed - 3.5/5
Limited - 3/5
Paul Hagan |
Venom, Alien
You can never complain about a 10/10 on Turn 4,
right? I'm kinda diggin' Venom's ability to get
rid of your 3-Drop and replace him/her with a
true monster. The fact that Syndicate don't
really have any quality 3-Drops makes Venom that
much better -- who needs crummy ol' Rhino or
Alister Smyth when you can have a monster close
to the size of Sabretooth. Evasion only makes
Venom that much better, allowing you to keep him
around as long as you want.
I think the only thing holding back Venom really
is his ability -- as much as I trash the 3-Drops
in Syndicate, those very cards can be relevant
in the long run, meaning you are KOing a guy at
your own risk.
In limited play, I'll squeeze Venom in,
especially since I will usually be able to snag
about, um, a full deck of Syndicate guys in Web
of Spider-Man drafts. Plus, 7/7s with evasion
are decent in and of themselves.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 3.5