Marvel VS Card of the Day
Kevin Tremain
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 10.21.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 1.6
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Post – Kevin Tremain
Today we are going
to look at a real power house for Brotherhood
deck out there.
Post is the second
biggest 5-drop in the game at 10/10. He also
gains +2 defense when defending. What is not to
love about this card?
Well one thing not
to love is his cost of having to stun a
Brotherhood character when he comes into play.
I am not sure I like the idea of stunning one of
my characters and taking endurance loss, just so
I can have one more attack than many of the
5-drops out there. I definitely wouldn’t put
this guy into a deck if I knew I was going to go
up against Thing-Heavy Hitter.
Actually it is kind
of hard to know what kind of a deck Post belongs
in. He doesn’t fit into a Brotherhood variation
deck well, nor does he belong in a lost Avalon
deck. He doesn’t go into new brotherhood
either. I guess we will have to see where this
guy ends up….
Constructed –
3.0/5.0 ….This is a good character…with a steep
Limited – 1.0/5.0
….This is going to be a hard card to play with
in this format.

Johnny Blaze |
Post, Kevin Tremain
– Another beast for the Brotherhood team. Just
when you thought it was safe when you stunned
Feral Rage Sabretooth on Turn 4. Bang here comes
Post on Turn 5. At 10/10 or 10/12 if you don’t
have initiative. Post is definately a force that
needs to be reckoned with. Especially since he
served under Onslaught to fight Cyclops, Iceman,
Storm, and Wolverine.
The only downside is that you need to stun a
Brotherhood character you control when Post
comes into play. Didn’t need that Mystique
anymore then stun her or maybe Quicksilver. You
see it is not that much of a downside to stun
one of your weenies to send Post out into
Constructed: 4/5 – Post is just that good.
Expect to see him in a lot of Brotherhood or
Mutant Nation build decks that will see a major
comeback due to the Web of Spiderman set.
Limited: 3/5 – A lot harder to pull off here as
there are only 3 Brotherhood characters in Web
of Spiderman. But if you can manage to get a 1
drop Thornn and keep her alive until turn 5 and
send out Post, then there is not much that your
opponent can do to stop Post on Turn 5. As Post
has the largest DEF of all 5 drops at 12 when
you don’t have initiative.
Bunch |
Post, Kevin Tremain
If you play Brotherhood, you're probably running
one of two decks: The New Brotherhood, or Big
TNB uses 5 drop Magneto in order to play Genosha,
draw 4 cards, and still get the TNB bonus. Big
Brotherhood uses Quicksilver for multiple
attacks and board control. Neither deck has room
for post, the new 5 drop on the block. 10/10 is
pretty impressive, and the extra +2 DEF when
defending means that he can even survive a shot
from Thing, Heavy Hitter.
However, stunning one of your own Brotherhood
guys is just too steep. The 1-4 points of
endurance are negligible, but for giving up
field advantage, I'd expect a little better than
this. Its not worth mucking up the tried and
tested Brotherhood builds that have been making
Top 8's since the game was released.
In Limited, he's a mixed bag. In a pure WSM
event, you won't be seeing Magneto and
Quicksilver, so a 5 drop of his size would be
nice to pull. On the other hand, there's only
two other Brotherhood characters in this set,
and one of them is a 6 drop. This makes Post
virtually unplayable in this format. In MSM/WSM,
you'll see a lot of common Brotherhood, that's
about the only situation in which you'd want to
keep this guy.
Constructed - 2/5
Limited - 1/5