Marvel VS Card of the Day
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 10.25.04
Constructed Average Rating: 2
Limited Average Rating: 1.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Dangerous Experiment
Today we are going
to look at a plot twist that could either help
you or hurt you…depending on how lucky you are.
With Dangerous
Experiment you exhaust a SS character you
control and announce a plot twist name. Then
you reveal cards from the top of your deck until
you reveal a plot twist of the same name,
shuffle all other cards into your deck, and take
endurance loss for every card you revealed.
This card is dangerous…there is no doubt about
Even if you are
lucky…and you better hope you are…you will still
take at least 1 endurance loss and have to
exhaust your SS character as payment. It may
not sound like a lot, especially if you really,
really need a particular plot twist, but you
must keep in mind that SS decks are very
expensive to run in terms of your endurance.
Between the endurance you must pay to keep
characters on the board, to have power boosts,
and any endurance loss you receive in battle;
can you afford to purposely take endurance
One way to help
offset the cost of this card is by playing night
vision, however keep in mind that you will take
up valuable space in your deck by running this
combo. Also you have to remember that this card
has a threshold cost of 4, so if you were hoping
to get an early advantage, think again.
Considering that SS decks are made to hit hard
and hit quickly, this card will probably not see
any action in a competitive SS constructed deck.
SS constructed deck
– 2.0/5.0 ….With everything else you are paying
for...you really can’t afford to take the chance
with this card.
Limited – 1.5/5.0
….Being able to get any plot twist you need in
this format is great…however you stand a much
better chance of taking larger endurance loss.

Johnny Blaze |
Experiment- If you are not comboing this card
with something else like say Night Vision then
you ought to. Not only do you exhaust one of
your target SS characters but you will also be
suffering a major endurance loss since you lose
endurance for each card revealed until that
named plot twist.
Constructed: 2/5 – Might be good in a specific
SS deck built around it. I can’t see this card
getting a whole lot of play though due to its
endurance loss drawback.
Limited: 1/5 – Where a quick jump on early
endurance loss can mean a game loss in draft,
this card is just too risky to use here even if
you are drafting SS. There just isn’t that Plot
Twist that is that good that will win you a game
that warrants this negative effect.
Paul Hagan |
Dangerous Experiment
Yech. I don't like this card for multiple
reasons. First, I don't see any reason for the
cost to play this card to be so high. Not only
do you have to wait until Turn 4 to go on the
hunt, but you also have to exhaust a Sinister
Syndicate character you control.
Second, a lot of decks don't run a lot of 4-ofs.
In fact, if you look, quite a few decks run
2-ofs and 3-ofs and not a lot of 4-ofs when it
relates to card count. This, in turn, means that
you are less likely to hit the card for which
you are looking.
Third, the Experiment doesn't hunt for *any*
card. It only hunts down a Plot Twist.
Considering a number of decks only play between
16-24 Plot Twists, I'm not sure I want to risk
going past a lot of characters that I would like
to draw up to get to a Plot Twist *and* take a
lot of endurance in the process.
Finally, it just isn't accurate enough. Unless
you are playing a way to check out the top card
of your deck (Night Vision, Base of Operations,
etc.), you are taking a crap shoot on a lone
Plot Twist. Miss by too much, and you'll be
losing this game.
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Limited Rating: 2.5
Bunch |
Dangerous Experiment
First of all, I love cards like this. Ultimate
risk for ultimate reward. If your deck relies on
a specific combo, then getting the key card for
that combo could be worth the endurance loss.
Same if you're at the end of a game, and you
need that one card to take your opponent down to
0. Even defensively it has its uses. Say your
opponent has just pumped their attacker through
the roof, but you haven't drawn your Overload
yet? This card could potentially be huge, but it
does have its drawbacks.
Team stamping by requiring the exhaustion of an
SS character means that you can't casually
splash this card in most decks. You wouldn't
want to have to run Syndicate guys just to grab
a Fizzle, TNB, or Teen Titans Go. Doom and GK
have their searchers anyway, and those guys are
free, endurance-wise. The one good thing about
having to play Sinister Syndicate to run this
card, is that Vulture will be gaining you enough
endurance that the hit from using Dangerous
Experiment won't be as bad.
In Limited, you usually only see one copy of the
really good plot twists, and with a 30 card
deck, the odds of you finding that card quickly
are a lot better. You'll see enough SS to be
able to pay the activation cost, and being able
to grab that one all-important plot twist right
when you need it will usually swing the game in
your favor.
Constructed - 3/5
Limited - 4/5