Marvel VS Card of the Day
Outside the Box
Date Reviewed: 10.29.04
Constructed Average Rating: 2.95
Limited Average Rating: 1.65
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Thinking outside the
If you are running
Cerebro, Longshot, Baxter Building, etc…..you
may want to take another look at this card for
your deck. Imagine, all those cards you get on
the bottom of your deck with your tutors could
easily be put into your hand during the draw
phase…not bad at all! If you are running these
tutors and can make the room in your deck then
by all means throw a couple of these cards in
your deck. Trust me, this combo works better
than you think!
Constructed –
3.0/5.0 ….This card is really only useful in a
combo situation, otherwise it would have
received a better rating.
Limited – 1.0/5.0
…Other than something like Twist of Fate, you
will not gain an advantage over your opponent.

Johnny Blaze |
Thinking Outside the
How many cards are there that say “Place the
rest of the cards on the bottom of your deck”?
Plenty. So TOTB helps in these scenarios. Again
another theme specific card. If you are using
draw cards that place cards on the bottom of
your deck then this card is for you.
Constructed: 3/5 – Whats the difference if you
draw cards from the bottom of your deck or from
the top? As long as you are drawing cards is the
answer. But really if you are playing with a lot
of cards that tell you to place them on the
bottom of your deck then TOTB is a must have in
that deck. Many useful combos with this card in
Limited: 2/5 – Not really that much of a
gamebreaker here. I could see maybe if you
mulliganed something early game and want to get
those cards back then flip TOTB to draw them out
from the bottom of the deck.
Bunch |
Thinking Outside the
This ends my week for picking cards, and I'm
ending the way I started; with another weird
one. I've seen a lot of people talking about
comboing this card with Longshot to be able to
"stack" your deck and pick the cards you want.
Base of Operations and Night Vision also help
you out, being able to load the bottom of your
deck with things that will help you out in the
late game, and saving TOTB until then. Its not
for everybody, but its a fun little card that
should make for some fun casual games, and
there's a broken combo out there just waiting to
be exploited.
In Limited, this card can be a huge help. In a
mixed Marvel event, you can do some major damage
with this and Mr. Fantastic, picking and
choosing the best cards to draw each turn. Its
also one of my favorite cards as far as art
Constructed - 2.5/5
Limited - 3/5
Paul Hagan |
Thinking Outside the
Like many people, I think this card has a lot of
potential. Like many more people, I also haven't
found room for it in many of my decks. I think
the best place for it would be in something
using Fantastic Four, since you have the ability
to go nuts with Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards and
the Baxter Building. Mr. Fantastic allows you to
set up every turn with the appropriate cards,
and if you think of the potential with Antarctic
Research Base, the deck only gets that much
In limited, I don't see any reason to play this
card. It seems like it would just be eating a
slot. However, you very well could draw up a
card that allows you to put cards on the bottom
of your deck in any order, so it might be worth
sneaking in.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 2.5