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Pojo's Marvel VS Card of the Day

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Archangel – Angel of Death

Date Reviewed: 9.16.04

Constructed Average Rating: 3.16
Limited Average Rating: 3.16

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.



Archangel – Angel of Death


Before I start this week’s review, let me start by apologizing to those of you who read my reviews for bowing out last week.  Unfortunately with my family living in Florida and hurricane Frances on the way I thought it might be best to take a little time off from my CoD reviews.  Thankfully everything turned out fine and now I’m back to pick up where the Darkmagiciandog finished off.


This week we’re going to take a look at some of the new cards from the Web of Spider-Man set.  The first of these cards that we’re going to review is “Archangel – Angel of Death.” 


When I first heard about Archangel, I was really excited about this card.  Initially I thought that this card kept all X-Men characters with flight from being stunned while attacking.  However, now that I’ve seen the card, I realize that it is not as broken as it first seemed.  Sure, you can keep X-Men characters with flight from being stunned while attacking, however this will only be the case if you are attacking characters without flight or range.  A deck built around this card though will probably work well against many of the DC decks in circulation right now. 


As a 5-drop character whose stats are 10/7 this card is definitely playable.  Add range and flight to those stats and you have a character that will definitely make its way into many X-Men decks.  His 7 defense definitely means this character stands a good chance of being stunned, however by having initiative and attacking with him last you will be able to put a serious hurt on your opponent.


I believe in the future we will see decks based around this blue little Devil.  This card combos very well in an X-Men/Fantastic Four deck which would take advantage of the Fantasticar.  It will also combo well with plot twists such as Airborne Assault and Flying Kick.  This card will even combo well with a Brotherhood/X-Men deck with the Brotherhood character Mimic.  I would definitely say that if you were running any version of an X-Men deck that this card would be worth trying.



Constructed rating - 3.5/5.0….. He’s not a bad addition to any X-Men deck.


Limited rating – 4.0/5.0….. You don’t pass up a character without loyalty whose attack is this high for his level.

Johnny Blaze Archangel, Angel of Death- One of the newest 5 drops that have an attack of 10. There are at least 2 others in the Web of Spidey set that offers this high ATK. Previously for an unmodified 5 drop, Thing, Heavy Hitter was the only one with an ATK higher than 9 and he came in at a whopping 11. So this is definitely nice that Archangel has a 10 ATK. He does suffer from a low DEF at 7 meaning that many 5 drops and some 4 drops will be easily able to stun him. But wait his power allows him not to be stunned if he is attacking a defender without flight or range. As a matter of fact, your other X-men characters can also benefit from this nifty little trick, the only stipulation is that the attacker needs to have the flight ability, while the defender needs to lack range or flight.

Constructed – 3/5: X-men will make a comeback in this set and this is just another neat little ability that will assist the X-Men in accomplishing Xavier’s Dream. Archangel is definitely playable and with some team-up cards and the right team affiliation, on your initiative, you could possibly play a team that is non-stunnable. Just watch out when you are defending because he can be stunned when defending.

Limited: - 3/5: Archangel does not have Loyalty and is a good 5 drop to use in this format. Definitely take him if you get him.
The X-Men have had a tough time finding their way into tournament caliber decks, other than the occasional Wolverine, Berserker Rage. One of the major criticisms is that they haven't had a credible threat at the 5 drop. Archangel goes a long way towards fixing that flaw. 10/7 is a good body, and having flight and range makes him attractive in most builds.
His ability is where he can shine, although its not really game-breaking. Not being stunned while attacking is a nice ability, although two X-Men characters already have that ability inherent, and 3 drop Spiderman does it better. Not many characters without flight or range find their way into your opponent's decks, which means that Archangel's 7 DEF is going to lead to him being stunned more often than not. Still, he combos well with The Blackbird and Airborne Assault, and there are some good X-Men flyers who will get some use out of his ability. Still, other teams are continuously getting better, and X-Men will be playing catch up for a long time.

In Limited, his lack of Loyalty makes him a great splash, although you won't see many more X-Men in a pure MSM event, so his ability won't help much. He's still a decent beatstick, and if you have initiative, you can do some damage without him being stunned, and that's about as good as you can usually hope for.

Constructed - 3/5
Limited - 2.5/5
Paul Hagan


Green Goblin, Alter Ego --

I'm vastly amused with Green Goblin, Alter Ego. Once you are ahead in the endurance race, you can end the game whenever you see fit. Please note, too, that this ability isn't activated, meaning you *can* turn your 17/11 sideways before going nuts with his ability. The only real downside to this guy is that he has a small butt, but he more than makes up for it by having the largest ATK for a 7-Drop in the game.

In limited, play this guy if you have enough Syndicate men. Play him, enjoy, and wreck people. First pick in draft, and the first one in the deck in Sealed if you have enough Syndicate.

Constructed Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 4.0
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