Marvel VS Card of the Day
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 9.29.04
Constructed Average Rating: 4.125
Limited Average Rating: 2.62
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* Game Store owner in
CA, ShuffleAndCut
This is the early hot card from the set. If
X-men turn out to be as good now as everyone
says, this card is ridiculous. This plus
Ultimate Sacrifce make it absolutely stupid.
Being able to swing at will without fear of stun
really makes a game work in your favor. X-men
should play 3-4 of these. Will generally only
need 1-2 a game, but that will be enough.
Limited it sucks completely - not nearly enough
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 1


Nakaiya21 |
Today we are looking
at the hottest card in the new set – BAMF!
There is a reason this card is going for $20 -
$30 each. In my opinion this card is better
than Savage Beatdown for any X-men or X-men
version deck. If you can get your hand on four
of these cards it is either time to cash in or
make an X-men deck. When you activate this card
X-men ALL X-men characters you control can not
be stunned while attacking this term. This card
is a major reason Mutant Nation decks are going
to storm the metagame scene. Need I say more?
X-men constructed
deck – 5.0/5.0 …..Got initiative?
Limited – 5.0/5.0
…..Even if you only get a couple of X-men
characters, keep this card…it is well worth it!

Johnny Blaze |
Bamf! – The pic on
this card reminds me of the great scene in the
movie X-Men 2 when Nightcrawler is Bamfing!
through the White House to get to the President.
Boy was that a great scene or what? Nightcrawler
is easily one of my favorite characters. Who
doesn’t love a fuzzy little blue Elf?
Anyway on to the review of Bamf! It is a plot
twist with a cost of 3 and while attacking this
turn your X-men characters cannot be stunned.
Sounds a little like Dynamic Duo for the DC
side, except that one is ongoing. Like I said in
another one of my reviews, MSM also packs a lot
of love for X-men. Expect this card to be a
staple in any X-men themed deck. The card is
currently going for Fizzle like dollars on E-bay
right now.
Constructed: 4/5 – The ability to attack without
being stunned is just too good. It is specific
to X-Men team though. But there are plenty of
X-men Team up Plot twists you could use if you
don’t want to run straight X-men.
Limited: 3/5 – A little more difficult here to
use. As it is only a 1-shot effect and the
chances of pulling more than 1 is unlikely.
Bunch |
X-Men have really
needed some help to become a Tier 1 deck, and
this card goes a long way towards that.
X-Men already have a couple characters that
don't stun while attacking, but Bamf! gives you
a lot more freedom with your attacks, especially
on turns when you have initiative. Its a nice
effect, and it may sucker a few more people into
playing X-Men. It gives great board advantage,
and there's a Teen Titans/X-Men deck out there
that loves to use this with Teen Titans Go! for
some major hurting.
In Limited, it depends on the format. There
aren't too many X-Men in MSM, but it'd be great
in a MSM/MOR event. However, you'd be better off
leaving this for the rare drafter and just
looking for a more playable card.
Constructed - 3/5
Limited - 1.5/5