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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Owl - Leland Owlsley
Marvel Knights
Date Reviewed: 04.25.05
Constructed Average Rating: 3.85
Limited Average Rating: 3.15
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Owl - Leland
If you are playing Honor Among Theives (HAT) or
have played against this deck, then you are
quite familiar with this card. Owl is a 5/3
3-drop that gives all CL characters flight. As
just about anyone can tell you, flight is the
most important ability you can have in your
game. With flight, there is nowhere your
opponent can hide. Owl also has a boost ability
of stealing your opponent's 1-drop. However,
outside of limited (or missing your drop) I
don't see this being a big deal. After all how
many 1-drops last until turn 4....and do you
even want that type of liability on your side of
the field? Of course there is always your
opponent's concealed area....
MA constructed - 4.0/5.0 ...Giving all of your
CL characters flight is what makes this card a
staple in HAT decks.
GA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...Once we get back to
GA I have a feeling HAT decks will be a thing of
the past.
Limited - 4.0/5.0 ...Don't underestimate this
card in this format. Any sort of advantage can
make a huge difference.

Johnny Blaze |
Owl, Leland Owlsley
– The Owl has flight and also
grants all of your Crime Lord
characters Flight. Owl is pretty
much up there with his ATK at 5 but
suffers from a low DEF of 3 which
will means he gets stunned by pretty
much all of the other 3 drops that
your opponent might control and even
some 2 drops will be able to stun
What is nice is his Boost ability.
When Owl comes into play you get to
move one of your opponents character
with a cost of 1 or less to your
front row. This can come in handy
when your opponent needed that
character to fulfill Loyalty
requirements. Also you can target a
hidden character that your opponent
controls and move that character to
your front row.
Constructed: 2.5/5 – Pretty average
here. His Boost ability will most
likely be countered. For example if
you try to steal Boris from your
opponent, all your opponent has to
do is use Boris’ activated ability
on Boris.
Limited: 3.5/5 – Although his DEF is
very low at 3 his ability to grant
all of your Crime Lords characters
flight can be the game winner if you
have a beefy Crime Lords character
out that normally couldn’t fly into
the back row to cause major BEL to
your opponent.
Bunch |
Owl, Leland
Well, while we wait for Green Lantern preview
weekend, here's a look at a relatively unused
mechanic in the
game: stealing your opponent's characters. Mad
Hatter, Kidnapping, and Amazing Grace have been
available, but so far haven't seen a lot of
This week's cards are a little more popular so
far in Modern Age.
Today we look at a card that has a couple of
different uses for the very popular Crime Lords
affiliation, Owl. 5/3 for 3 is good for the
aggressive Honor Among Thieves build, and his
ability to give all of your guys flight means
that your opponent's formation can be picked
apart by your swarm of weenies. His boost
ability to take your opponent's 1 drop can be
useful, but only in certain situations. There
aren't a lot of playable 1 drops in Modern, so
you'll be playing him as a 3 drop most of the
time. You'd hate to blow a resource point on his
boost to steal Dagger, only to have your
opponent bounce her back to their hand. His
ability is more useful in the mirror match,
where you can grab your opponent's Vulture,
Tinkerer, or Tombstone. Mendel Stromm is a good
target, but if they have another character on
the field, they can just KO him to put a counter
on one of their other characters. In Golden Age,
getting to steal your opponent's Boris or Alfred
can really screw up their gameplan, and it can
also hurt Fantastic Fun by taking Invisible
Woman, Invisible Girl away and leaving them
unable to play Child Named Valeria. Owl isn't a
4-of card by any means, the 3 drop slot is
usually reserved for Rhino or Mr. Hyde, and you
want to see Masked Marauder on 4. However, with
Roscoe Sweeney there to fetch him in a pinch,
and with more 1-drops seeing play (imagine
grabbing Phat). Owl is someone you won't mind
playing a single copy of, just in case.
In Limited, there are worse things to run than
Crime Lords, and with not a lot of Flight in
Marvel Knights, you can really surprise an
opponent in the early game.
However, he's not going to be the top pick of
your pack in a draft, and odds are that the rare
drafter at your table will grab him before you'd
feel comfortable taking him over a good plot
twist. His boost ability is less attractive in
this format, as not many 1 drops see the light
of day.
Golden - 2.5/5
Modern - 3.5/5
Limited - 2/5
Player21 |
Name: Owl
Version: Leland Owlsley
Cost: 3
Type: Character
Team: Crime Lords
ATK / DEF: 5 ATK / 3 DEF
Flight?: Yes
Card Text:
Crime Lords characters you control have flight.
Boost 1: When Owl comes into play, move target
character with cost 1 or less an opponent
controls into your front row.
Looks like we're doing "stealing 1 drops" this
week, as we focus on cards that can do just
Owl is certainly quite a character. He has a
decent body for his drop, with 5 attack. He has
flight, which is always a bonus. He has a boost
effect, always great, and his primary effect
benefits your whole team.
If you miss your 4-drop, and there's a
particularly pesky 1-drop on your opponent's
side of the field, a 1-drop that could prove
beneficial for you (Roscoe Sweeny, perhaps?), or
even if there's a 1-drop that's a potential
reinforcer, simply pay this character's boost of
one resource point, and take that character
I can't tell you how many times this character
has nabbed my Dawn Granger, weakening my Hank
Hall, or my Alfred, while exhausted, so I
couldn't use him. He can be very devastating, to
say the least.
The only downsides I can fathom for this card
are that his primary effect is team-stamped, and
when boosted, you have a weak 4-drop on your
hands. Those may make it slightly harder to
Factor in how game breaking this card can be,
though, and those downsides are minimal at best.
MMA – 4/5 Solid, all around card.
Golden Age – 4/5 – Would be lower, but there are
so many powerful 1-drops in this format, that
it's hard to deny this card's potential power.
Limited – 3.25/5 – Fewer one drops are played in
this format, and your characters are less likely
to share his team affiliation, so his first
effect may not matter.
Brad Pironciak |
Today we're
reviewing the Crime Lords rare, Owl.
Nothing too special about his stats, at 5/3 for
a 3 drop. His kicker is that he gives all crime
lords characters flight. Decent abiility, and
combo'd with the concealed sniper in the 2 drop
spot, they could be deadly.
His boost 1 lets you "snatch" an opponents one
drop. Not really worth it unless you were able
to play cobra and Mr. Hyde on 2 and 3, and you
missed your 4 drop.
In limited, he could be beastly. With the lack
of flight for some of our good crime lords
friends, this could be the boost that pushed you
through in the mid-game.
Constructed: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
Art: 2/5