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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
- Daughter of Dracula
Marvel Knights
Date Reviewed: 04.29.05
Constructed Average Rating: 2.5
Limited Average Rating: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Lilith -
Daughter of Dracula
I am not necessarily a big fan of Lilth. I
probably should be considering that Lilth is the
only rare I seem to be pulling lately. I think
at last count I was up to 10. Then again I am at
11 Web Shooters...talk about bad luck...
Anyway, I guess I better get on to the review...Lilth
is a 1-drop character whose only play-ability
comes in the form of her ability. She has no
attack and the standard 1 DEF, but you can KO
this character and reveal another UW character
from your hand to steal your opponent's 1-drop.
The real question is, "When is this card going
to actually be useful?". The simple answer is
probably never. Granted in limited she could
probably help somewhat...provided you have
enough good UW characters to play her effect.
After all, she could steal a boosted Phat, El
Guapo, or an opponent's pesky concealed
character. However, limited is probably the only
place this character will see some serious
action. After all there are other ways to steal
1-drops...if your opponent's is actually playing
1-drops that is. Anyone want to trade for a
MA Constructed - 2.5/5.0...If you are that
worried about your opponent's 1-drop characters
then I guess it wouldn't hurt to include this
card in your deck.
GA Constructed - 2.0/5.0...If you are going to
put a character on the field that can't attack,
it better be Puppet Master.
Limited - 3.0/5.0...You tend to see more 1-drops
in this format as hitting the curve is crucial.
I wouldn't necessarily dismiss this card
entirely for this format.

Johnny Blaze |
Daughter of Dracula
We finish
off the week none other than the Daughter of
Dracula. Continuing with our theme of
manipulating the position of 1 drop characters,
Lilith brings a couple of points to this. First
of all in order for her ability to work you need
to KO her during the combat phase and reveal an
Underworld character from your hand. This in of
itself may help you avoid any further BEL loss
with a 1 drop character off the board. Secondly
Lilith allows you to choose which 1 drop
character to move to your front row- either
yours or your opponents. If you choose another 1
of your 1 drops you may have just made one of
your opponents attacks illegal.
Constructed: 2/5 – There are more ways to avoid
this happening to you if you control the 1 drop.
Lilith does offer the flexibility to choose
whose 1 drop will be targeted.
Limited: 2.5/5 - Works a bit better here as
there is that chance of stealing your opponent’s
means to fulfill loyalty and getting that
concealed character out from the hidden zone.
Bunch |
Daughter of Dracula
We finish off "Stealing 1 Drops" Week with the
most useful of the three cards from this week,
Forget about the ability to grab a 1 drop, just
being able to get an Underworld character in the
graveyard is a great reason to have her around.
This will give a little disruption to Wild Pack
decks, force your opponent to bounce Dagger
earlier than they may have been planning, and
you might get lucky and grab a Phat. Why she has
flight with a 0 ATK? No idea, although
Underworld does have some nice attack pumps.
Overload will laugh at her in Golden though.
Like the other cards this week, if your metagame
has a lot of 1 drops in it, run this card. If
not, then don't.
In Limited, she's nice to be able to get herself
in the KO'd pile for Hypnotic Charms or any of
the other Underworld plot twists, and she powers
up Centurious.
Otherwise, she'll be hard pressed to make the
cut for your deck.
Golden - 3/5
Modern - 3/5
Limited - 2/5