Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 2.87
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 2.87
Limited Average Rating: 3.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Phantom Zone
This week, we'll be looking at some of the Man
of Steel equipment cards that will be eligible
for DC Modern at PC Indy next weekend.
Phantom Zone Projector (PZP) is the generic
answer to Chopping Block in the format. Getting
rid of stunned characters will be a huge asset,
and removing them from play means that they
won't be able to come back via Dr. Light.
However, being stuck doing it in the recovery
phase means that you'll need to have a ready
character around. Chopping Block is more
versatile and is also searchable. Phantom Zone
Projector probably won't see much play, maybe in
swarm decks without a lot of Willpower
Rating: 2/5
Sith Dragon
Phantom zone
equipped character has "Activate->remove target
stunned character form the game. Use this power
only during the recovery phase."
I have to admit I'm not real familiar with the
superman cards as Superman never really caught
on here. A zero cost equip is always a good
thing, so that's good.
The effect can have an advantage of removing a
powerhouse from the game so it can't be
recovered, but the problem lies in that it can
only be done during the recovery phase. Anyone
that has played this game long enough knows that
keeping a character alive and ready til the
recovery phase can be challenging at best.
The only two decks that will matter if a
character is removed from play vs going to the
KO'd pile are sentinel decks and brotherhood
decks. Sentinels have so many characters you
would have to remove a lot characters to have an
effect, and brotherhood decks don't HAVE to have
the redundancy to work.
Overall, this card isn't really worth playing.
There are better equips out there to run. If you
build enough of a deck around this card it could
deal some damage, but just like with the 3-drop
Batman, anything that has an effect that can
only happen during recovery phase instantly have
a bulls-eye painted on it for destruction. Stick
with the better cards.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"
"... From
which, you shall never escape!"
Phantom Zone Projector
Number: DSM-160
Rarity: Uncommon
Card Type: Equipment
Cost: 0
Equipped character has "Activate >>>
Remove target stunned character from
the game. Use this power only during
the recovey phase.
Cost: 0
It doesn't get any cheaper than this!
Re-usable remove stunned character from game
Team Affiliation: None
Usable with all teams, so it's splashable into
any deck.
Not a bad card, you only have to trade this
effect for an attack this turn, and manage to
stun the desired character.
Modern Age:
Quite usable here, but slow. It's conditions
make it too slow for the tournament-oriented
crowd, but still a nice effect.
Golden Age:
The same as in Modern.
Removal works good here, so go for it if you see