Today we are going to look at another really
great card for Avengers ? Thor.
Thor is basically your nice, slightly beefy
4-drop (stats: 8/7) that also has flight and
range. Not bad at all? He does have a bit of a
cost to recruit him (you have to reveal an
Avengers character card in your hand or resource
row), but we all know that this is no big deal.
His effect is awesome. You see whenever Thor
causes breakthrough to a player you put the top
card of your deck into your KO?d pile to deal
endurance loss to your opponent equal to the
card?s cost. Now I realize that in constructed
this may not be exactly all it is cracked up to
be. After all I don?t think anyone really wants
to lose a Savage Beatdown to the ko?d pile just
so you can do an additional +4 damage to your
opponent. But then again where is the fun in the
game if you do not take risks?
MMA ? 3.5/5.0 ?This card is a great 4-drop with
a potentially great effect.
GA ? 3.5/5.0 ?Thor is a great addition to an
Avengers deck.
Limited ? 4.0/5.0 ?Thor?s effect is completely
sick in this format ? not to mention is a great
4-drop character.
Thor, Odinson
Number: MAV-025
Rarity: Rare
Card Type: Character
Cost: 4
Team: Avengers
Attack: 8
Defense: 7
Range: Yes
Flight: Yes
As an additional cost to recruit Thor, reveal an
Avengers character card in your hand or resource
Whenever Thor causes breakthrough to
a player, put the top card of your deck
into your KO'd pile. That player loses
endurance equal to the cost of that card.
(To the viewers: If for some reason my
review of the first card of the week isn't
there, check back later in the week and it
should be
Cost: 4
Balanced for his stats.
ATK/DEF: 8/7
Ok for his cost.
Range/Flight: Both
Full versatility makes him a real asset.
A cost similar to that of Thing, Heavy Hitter,
but much lower stats. You also get an iffy burn
effect if he breaks through.
Team Affiliation: Avengers
The team is rather well rounded, and makes heavy
usage of the new Reservist ability. Thor,
Odinson is a bit different from most characters,
thanks to his burn effect.
The stats should have been better. Also, you may
end up discarding a card you really needed to
draw (such as Savage Beatdown or Avengers
Assemble! If they'd only made it an optional
Modern Age:
Not that impressive, he can be a hinderance.
Golden Age:
Not usable here.
Limited: He has the highest stats of the
Avengers 4-drops, but treat him as a
double-edged sword. There are better 4-drops to
Sith Dragon
Avengers 4 drop
flight and range
As an additional cost to recruit Thor, reveal an
Avengers character card in your hand or resource
Whenever Thor causes breakthrough to a player,
put the top card of your deck into your KO'd
pile. That player loses endurance equal to the
cost of that card.
While i haven't seen a complete set list for
Avengers yet, i have now seen them in play.
Basically, It is like playing a Thing on every
drop. If you are playing against Avengers and
are not playing avengers yourself, pack in the
megablasts, flying kicks and every other boost
card you can fit in your deck, provided you are
in Golden. If you are in modern i suggest you
run Avengers.
So onto Thor. His stats are very solid for a
four drop and the flight and range is another
big plus, so no matter what you want this guy as
your four drop.
His first effect of revealing a card is pretty
pointless as it is with most other characters.
You need a really bad hand for this effect to
hurt you.
The second of Thor's effects is still a mystery
as to how good it is. Most people are just now
getting enough cards to be able to run their
Avengers decks with a minimum of proxies. I
compare this card to shape change, which i tried
for a while. The big drawback is that the better
the cost on the card, the more you are most
likely going to need that card. the ideal damage
would be to send your 5-8 drop to the KO'd pile,
but if it causes you to miss your drop, that can
hurt. Or an Avenger's assemble to do three
damage, but then you lose that card. I know with
shape change, generally the effect was not more
than a couple points, and yes i lost my 7-8
drops more than once.
While any extra burn is good and can give you
the game when many times the final spread is
only a couple points, I'm not real big on this
effect, yet with the solid stats, flight and
range. Thor is a must on your four drop.