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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Silver Sorceress
- Laura Cynthia Neilson
Card #DJL-061
Date Reviewed: 12.06.05
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 3.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Sorceress - Laura Cynthia Neilson
Today we start JLI week with a great card for
sealed play and a must for the JLI 4 resource
deck. Silver Sorceress is a 5/3 3-drop with
range that allows you to move an opponent's
unprotected character to the hidden area during
your attack step provided you have 4 or less
resources. The great thing about the card for
sealed (and even constructed) is that it allows
you to open up your opponent's side of the field
a little for extra damage and you don't have to
worry about your opponent taking advantage of
being in the hidden area (ie..nasty effects your
opponent's character might be able to pull off
safely if allowed to stay hidden). Of course it
is a mandatory effect so you should watch out a
little in regular play as your opponent will
certainly take advantage of this effect if they
can (ie...Sinestro) during their formation step.
Although she is slightly weak on defense, she is
still worth playing sealed simply for the extra
damage you can inflict.
DCMA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ... This is a great
character for a JLI deck and a must for the 4
resource deck
GA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ... This character has
a solid effect that shouldn't be overlooked
Limited - 3.5/5.0 ...A little weak on defense,
but her effect certainly makes up for it
Sith Dragon |
JLI/3 drop
Willpower 2
At the start of your attack step, if you control
four or fewer resources, the controller of
target unprotected character moves it to his
hidden area. At the start of the recovery phase,
that character's controller moves it to his
visible area.
This week we are going to look at a few
characters from JLI that are based on the 4 or
fewer resources gimmick. It is a fun deck to
try, but definitely takes some practice building
and playing. It has the weenie rush feel without
the rush. How do you compensate for dropping
endless resources? Some very big guns and nice
Silver has a small def for a 3 drop but has a
nice attack at 5. Willpower 2 will help if you
want to do some stuff with willpower, but is
otherwise worthless. Range is at least
something, but flight is always better.
Her effect, though, can help compensate for not
having flight. Ignore the four or fewer
resources because if you are playing this in the
</= 4 resource deck, you will always get the
effect. By moving one of their characters to the
hidden zone you can either attack down the
curve, stun all their guys, thus making them
think if they want to risk their last guy who
might also go down, or simply clears the way for
some clear shots at your opponent's life. It has
to be an unprotected character, so that may give
them a way to protect someone they want to keep
as a shield (say like plasic man), but if she
could do it to anyone she would be broken.
Should you wish, you could also use it on your
own characters as well. If there is a character
you need to hang onto, or someone like
tomorrow's Batman, it may help keep your
character from getting smashed or control them
from getting an easy attack off.
Her effect basically gives you several options
and anytime you can mess with your opponent's
formation is a good thing. Silver Sorceress is
one of several good 3 drops for this deck.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?" |