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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
- Hidden Crusader
Card #DJL-039
Date Reviewed: 12.07.05
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 3.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Hidden Crusader
Today we get to look at another great card for
anyone interested in playing a 4 resource JLI
deck - Batman. Batman is a optional concealed
4-drop that is a 7/6 when visible and a 8/7 with
flight when concealed. So why would you ever put
him in the visible area? Well for starters if
you are playing a resource limited deck, this
character gives attackers adjacent to him +2/+2
(provided you have less resources than your
opponent). Of course with the help of other
characters/PT's in your deck (ie. Silver
Sorceress) you can always leave Batman hidden
and get the best of both worlds. Personally I
think if I were to play him I would probably go
this route -- of course I am always a sucker for
big characters.
I should probably mention that this guy can also
be played in a GK deck, however I think there
are better 4-drops out there in terms of a GK
build. Still, you can always splash him and see
how he does.
DCMA constructed - 3.0/5.0 -A great 4-drop for
the JLI resource build, but keep in mind that
the JLI resource build is a tricky deck to build
and master.
GA constructed - 3.0/5.0 -This character has
more versatility in this format with his dual
affiliations, but he isn't going to be the main
4-drop of a GK build.
Limited - 3.5/5.0 -Having an 8/7 4-drop with
flight is awesome in this format.
Sith Dragon |
Batman -
hidden Crusader
4 drop
concealed - optional
While Batman is hidden, he gets +1/+1 and has
Leader: While any player controlling a defender
controls more resources than you do, attackers
adjacent to Batman gets +2/+2.
Once again there are several 4 drops all equally
good. Batman probably falls into the 3rd best,
but hey i like batman, so i picked him to
review. 7/6 are pretty horrid stats for a 4 drop
unless that character has a really awesome
effect. His effect basically encourages you to
play him as a hidden character where he becomes
an 8/7 with flight, which is pretty solid for a
4 drop.
His leader ability can be good. Combine him with
Kimiyo (another four drop) you can get some
seriously big small drops, each granting a
combined +5/+2 for each character in a team
attack. With Batman and Kimiyo out, two 1/1 1
drops can take out a 12 def six drop.
Bluejay and Martian manhunter are the only other
hidden character in the JLI team, so it will be
hard to get batman's leader off in the hidden
area, so you will usually need to choose which
effect will do you the most good.
As a GK character he would work as well, but
most everyone likes to use the 5 drop Batman for
the extra damage, and even if you decide to use
him instead of the 5 drop, Ragman is also a 4
drop hidden with flight, so you really don't get
anything new out of it other than a higher def.
You would have to small drop to get them both
out. Gk characters really needs some separation.
He won't make most GK decks unless you are
trying a 'Crisis On Infinite Earths" deck. That
could be a fun deck with all the different
Batman effects.
He makes a very solid 4 drop for the team, but
whether you use him or the others depends on
your play style and deck building. Choose
wisely. :)
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"