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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Martian Manhunter
- J'onn J'onn
Card #DJL-054
Date Reviewed: 12.09.05
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3.5
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.5
Limited Average Rating: 4.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Manhunter - J'onn J'onn
Now here we come to a character that is widely
abused in the limited environment - Martian
Martian Manhunter is your standard 5-drop with
stats of 9/9. He has flight and range which is
very nice in any format and a dual affiliation
with JLA which is really nice in limited play.
However it is this character's effect that
causes him to be abused so badly. You see, all
you have to do is pay 2 endurance and you can
move Martian Manhunter from your hidden to
visible area or vice-versa. He also gives
reinforcement and a +2 attack to defenders
adjacent to him. Too bad this doesn't say you
can only use this effect once per turn. As a
result, this character tends to get bounced back
and forth and all over the place to the point
where eventually he can give all you opponent's
characters reinforcement and +2 attack (provided
they have a half-way decent formation). He also
has willpower, which doesn't always do anything,
but can be a nice characteristic nonetheless.
DCMA constructed- 3.5/5.0 ...This character is a
very nice addition to a JLI/JLA deck-however in
the JLI 4 resource deck I would stick to Black
GA constructed - 3.5/5.0 -A decent character for
this build, but there are more ways to attack
hidden characters in this format.
Limited - 4.5/5.0 -With few ways of attacking
this character while hidden, the possibilities
for abuse are endless here. Definitely snatch it
if you come across it.
Sith Dragon |
Manhunter * J'onn J'onzz
5 drop
concealed (optional)
willpower 4
Pay 2 endurance--->Move MM to your hidden or
visible area.
Leader: defenders adjacent to MM have
reinforcement and get +2 ATK.
All three five drops are very good for the four
resource deck, but each has its weaknesses. MM
can cover the biggest hole in your team. What
happens when you have a bunch of 2 and 3 drops
out in turn five and six? You get hammered! The
Castle helps cover what your formation can't,
but MM goes even a step farther. He has so much
going for him lets break him down.
He is JLA and JLI so he can work in either deck
and he is good enough to be in either one
depending on your style of play. He is a 9/9
with flight and range. solid but average stats,
but with both flight and range he will wreak
havoc on most formations. He has a 4 willpower
so anyone running willpower cards that is good
(watch for Wall of Will to become big for anyone
running willpower characters).
His leader effect is what will really help out
this deck type, combined with his effect. The +2
ATK for defenders is okay, it may let you stun a
bit bigger character, but that's not what he is
for. Any characters next to him have
reinforcement which will save a ton of damage on
your smaller drops. Unless your opponent has a
card that lets them attack your hidden
characters, his effect will make MM not only
unhittable, but reusable.
The ideal way i have found to use him is to
arrange your characters during the build phase
the way you want them. Then simply pull MM out
and put him into the hidden area. Reinforce and
defend as you can, but when he is needed you pay
the 2 endurance to move him back into the hole
that you left for him. When your opponent tries
to set it up so they can hit MM on the next
attack you can simply pay the 2 endurance to
move him back into the the safety and security
of the hidden zone. He is then free to swing on
whoever your opponent has left.
Now the one drawback to this card is that he is
a five drop without reservist in a four resource
deck. The other two five drops are reservists,
so you can set them as a resource and then not
replace them to be back at four. With this deck
it really is not hard to get you resources back
to 4. There are other reservists you can recruit
the next turn, and Kooey, L-bot, among others,
but it means you really need to plan for him,
and if you have a bad draw and do not see the
needed cards, you may have a problem getting him
He is a very solid five. Black Canary has better
stats and is easier to get out, Tasmanian Devil
has a huge attack and is easier to get out, but
MM can help protect your LP as well as take
strength from Batman if hidden. With every
character in this deck it depends on your play
style, but i try to use all of them. Not needing
a 6 or higher, there is a plenty of room for 5
drops. Runnable in JLI, JLI4, and JLA. Awesome
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"