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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Straight to the Grave
Card #DJL-150
Date Reviewed: 12.14.05
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 4
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 4
Limited Average Rating: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Straight to
the Grave
Ok, so before I start my review of this card, I
think I will relate a funny (at least for all
you readers - for me it wasn't necessarily that
funny) story regarding this card that happened
this weekend. From yesterday's article you
probably already know I am building a JLA deck,
now while I like JLA enough what I really want
is a Secret Society KO deck. So I have been
working really hard since the set came out to
put together my SS deck - you know gathering the
cards and such. One of my biggest avenues for
gathering cards is through e-bay auctions. Well
by and by it came to the point where I had every
card I need except 1-straight to the grave,
1-attend or die, and 1-sorcerer's treasure. So I
went on e-bay and found a seller auctioning off
one of each card. I only put a few dollars on
the attend or die and sorcerer's treasure since
they were nice, but not necessary. However, me
(being the bright person that I am and knowing
that I wouldn't have the time to baby sit an
auction) put $20 on the straight to the grave.
Now I know you are thinking I was nuts, but here
is my logic: You can buy a Straight to the Grave
for about $10. When you add shipping you come to
$12.50. I thought for sure that no one would be
dumb enough to go over $13.00 for the card so
even though I was going to put a heck of a lot
of money on the bid I should have nothing to
worry about. Wrong! My auction ended up
attracting the attention of an economically
inept person that decided to put an $18 bid on
the card. So now I can say I am the proud owner
of an extremely overpriced card.
So why is Straight to the Grave so good? Well SS
is a team that revolves around either a.)
working with cards out of your ko pile or b.)
ko-ing/stunning your characters to steal your
opponent's characters. The better-supported and
more popular version of the deck revolves around
working out of your ko pile. With cards like
Gorilla City that give you a boost and Attend or
Die and Slaughter Swamp that allow you to
essentially recruit characters from the ko pile,
you can easy see how important it is to have a
card that put cards into the ko pile are.
Straight to the Grave is part of a two part
search tutor that allows you to put a character
into the ko pile so that you can recruit it from
the ko pile at any point in time. If the
character you put into the ko pile is a SS
character, you can also put a non-character card
into your ko pile. Now you can combo with
sorcerer's treasure to play the PT at any point
in time. Amazing. For anyone even thinking about
playing SS, this card is gold.
DCMA constructed - 4.0/5.0 -This card is
absolutely necessary in a SS build. It is like
having a Boris and a Signal Flare all in one.
GA constructed - 4.0/5.0 -I think card has what
it takes to make SS a tier 1 contender.
Limited - 2.5/5.0 -Unless you have card that
plays things from the ko pile, there is no sense
in putting things into the ko pile.
Sith Dragon |
Straight to
the Grave
Plot Twist
cost 2
Search your deck for a character card and put
that card into your KO'd pile. If you control a
secret society character, in addition, search
your deck for a non-character card and put it
into your KO'd pile. Shuffle your deck.
LOL! As I said in the last review, the search
cards out of the JLA set play very well to the
theme of the team it is for. Today's card is yet
another perfect example. If you control a secret
society character you are going to be able to
get a character and non-character and put them
into your KO'd pile. That may not seem like a
very big deal, but this team works off feeding
your KO'd pile and there are a myriad of ways to
retrieve or reuse cards that are in you grave.
For the characters, there is slaughter swamp to
get it back into your hand or attend or die that
lets you recruit from your KO'd pile, and there
are many other ways to get the non-characters
This card may not seem as good as the other
searchers, but in a way it is much better. You
do not have to discard at all to put two cards
right where you want them anyway. With the way
this deck works, this card is totally worth
running. Try running this team a few times with
the right cards, proxied if you have too, and
you will see how good this card is.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"