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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Captain Marvel
<> Monica Rambeau, Lady of Light

Card #MAV-018


Date Reviewed: 12.30.05

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating:
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Captain Marvel <> Monica Rambeau, Lady of Light

On the surface, I like this card. She's an Avengers Leader, which allows for some nice plot twists to be used, and she's a walking Teen Titans Go! to boot. On the other hand, getting the best usage out of her ability means that you've locked yourself into one of two formations, and if your opponent can wreck one of your attacks with defense plot twists, or can force you to move or exhaust before the team attack becomes legal, then it can waste your entire combat phase.
Also, since you'll be following a team attack with some more attacks that don't cause breakthrough, you're setting yourself up to fall way behind in the endurance game, especially against the quicker decks that are taking over the current meta. Unfortunately, Avengers doesn't have much to offer at 5, although She Hulk seems to have the slight edge with her Reservist status.

In limited, she's not a great pick unless you get her late game and you know that you've got the Avengers/team ups to be able to use her ability to the fullest. Otherwise, let her go. There are better strategies to force in Avengers draft.\

Rating: 2/5
Dawn Yoshi Poor Monica Rambeau. This card had a chance to be decent at one point during resource and development, I’m sure. After all, it’s a pseudo-Teen Titans Go! That can’t be bad, right? Too bad it’s not nearly versatile or impacting as Teen Titans Go is. Most players overlook that Monica Rambeau only readies TEAM ATTACKERS adjacent to her. This means that you have to pay 3 endurance and make use of all the characters around her. Otherwise, she’s a rather lacking 5 drop that pales to other options for Avengers Reservist, such as She-Hulk and Amenhotep. This applies to all constructed formats.

In sealed pack, she’s relatively playable since she all team attackers adjacent to her, including those not of the Avengers team affiliation. This effectively allows you to stun a much larger drop with relatively weak characters on your part. However, she does nothing for you in booster draft due to her inability to stop Faces of Evil or contribute to an off initiative play. This makes her a rare-draft target only.

GA Constructed: 1/5
MMA Constructed: 1.5/5
Limited: 2/5
Sith Dragon Monica Rambeau
5 drop

Leader. Pay 3 endurance--->Ready all team attackers adjacent to Monica Rambeau. Those team attackers cannot cause breakthrough this turn. Use this power only once per turn.

Today's card can be a very good card for avengers swarm decks. Monica is an average 5 drop with flight and range, which is always good. Her effect is basically a teen titans go, but only being able to do adjacent characters and not Monica, means its going to be a little bit harder to pull off. There are a couple ways through plot twists and characters not to become stunned, so they can swing twice. The 3 endurance and no breakthrough is nothing as this card would be broken without it.

She is a good card, but one you will want to build around to maximize her effect. Curve decks will be harder to use it as you generally won't have either your 3,4,5 or your 4,5,6 all out. Swarm decks will love her, which is what most Avengers decks seem to have turned into.

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