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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Moon Knight - Marc Spector

Marvel Knights

Date Reviewed: 02.15.05

Constructed Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 2.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Moon Knight - Marc Spector

Hey everyone! Happy Valentines Day! This week I thought that it might be a good idea to look at some of the new cards that are coming in the Marvel Knights set. Thus, this week I chose cards from the team affiliation Marvel Knights that were very dominating at the sneak peak I went to in New York. To start, let's take a look at Moon Knight.

At the sneak peak, I found that Marvel Knights were a strong contender in the sealed format - provided you could obtain enough of them. Moon Knight was one reason for this. You see, while Moon Knight is usually a 7/6 4-drop, he can become a 10/7 4-drop when you have the initiative. For a 4-drop that can be very damaging for your opponent. Now I realize that his defense does seem a little low and he may not have flight and range, but at the sealed preview people were attacking hard with this guy and making him count. Let's not forget his boosted ability for turn 6 that can make this character a 14/7 or 16/6 4-drop! Usually people that had a good amount of Marvel Knights characters could count on having at least 2 of these characters for their deck.

As for constructed I would say this guy should make the cut. He may not be your top choice for the 4-drop spot (depending on what you want to do with your deck), but he should definately get second choice.

Marvel Knights constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...Granted his defense is low, but he does provide the possibility of stunning a 5-drop (if you have initiative).

Limited - 3.5/5.0 ...This character made a strong prescence at the sneak preview.
Moon Knight - Marc Spector

Before I get into the review, I'd like to point out how excited I am over Upper Deck's announcement of the new tournament formats; Modern Age and Golden Age. If you haven't already, go to metagame.com and read the news. From now on, I'll be doing constructed ratings for Modern Age and Golden Age. Also, Limited ratings will be more important with the announcement of Sealed 10K's. Anyway, on to the review.

We're kicking off our look at Marvel Knights (the set) by looking at characters from Marvel Knights (the team). Choosing odd or even initiative is usually tricky enough, but now we have characters like Moon Knight who get bonuses based on whether you control the initiative or not. 7/6 is pretty vanilla for a 4 drop, but if it's your initiative, he's a beefy 10/7.
That'll usually stun an opponent's 5 drop if you have odds, and it'll slap a 4 drop silly if you have the evens. His boost ability isn't as great: he's a 14/7 if you control the initiative, 13/6 if you don't.
That means that most characters on the board are going to have their way with him, and his only chance to do some damage is if you can attack first with him.
Normally, characters with boost are nice because of their versatility, but Moon Knight is only good as a 4 drop, and then only if you have initiative. The Marvel Knights team has better 4 drops, go with those.
There's really not much of a difference in his playability in either Modern or Golden Age.

In Limited, he's slightly better. You'll only want to drop him when you have the initiative, and he's going to become a huge liability the next turn. He's a common, so if you really want him, you'll probably get one. If you're playing him as your 6 drop though, you might as well scoop.


Constructed (Modern) - 2/5
Constructed (Golden) - 1.5/5
Limited - 2/5

Johnny Blaze
Moon Knight - Marc Spector – One of my favorite comic book characters growing up. It must have been the white costume with the crescents as his weapons and the famous battle between Man-Wolf.

Anyways here we have Marc Spector, Moon Knight as part of the Marvel Knights squad. As a 4 drop his stats are pretty average at 7/6. But while you control the initiative he jumps up to a 10/7. Also if you Boost him on Turn 6 when you control the initiative he then becomes a 11/6, otherwise if you use his Boost when your opponent controls the initiative, Moon Knight becomes a 13/6. You definitely want to choose evens if you are playing Moon Knight but the 13/6 is also tempting when you don’t control the initiative.

Constructed: 3/5: It all depends on the type of deck and utility that you are using. If you want concealment then go with Luke Cage as your 4 drop, otherwise Moon Knight is acceptable as your 4 drop MK character.

Limited: 4/5 – With such versatility as your 4 or 6 drop, Moon Knight is a definite pick if you are planning to run MK.

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