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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Midnight Sons

Marvel Knights

Date Reviewed: 02.21.05

Constructed Average Rating: 4.65
Limited Average Rating: 3.9

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Midnight Sons

Hmmm...This week we are going to look at some cards that should see some big play in the near future. To start, let’s take a look at a team-up card for Marvel Knights variation decks out there – Midnight Sons.

Midnight Sons is your standard team-up card for any Marvel Knight variation deck out there. The trick to this card is having a Marvel Knight character on the field. This card is good if you are running a lot of low level MK characters in your deck, as you can get your team-up early, otherwise it is merely another team-up card that you can put into your deck.

MK variation constructed deck – 4.5/5.0 ...Being able to get your team-up early is always an advantage in this game.

Limited – 4.0/5.0 ...You may not have enough MK characters in this format, but being able to team-up is almost always essential in this format.
Midnight Sons

This week is dedicated to marvel Knights cards that will be popping up in a good number of decks at Pro
Circuit: Amsterdam. As you've heard by now, PC:
Amsterdam will be the first event using the Marvel Modern Age format, which for this event will consist of Marvel Knights and Web of Spiderman cards only.
This week's cards are my best guesses as to what the new staples of this format will be. Anyway, on to the review.

There are plenty of team up cards in these two sets, so why single out Midnight Sons? Frankly, I think Marvel Knights is the dominant team of this set, and Midnight Sons allows you to team anyone else up with Marvel Knights. The main thing that helps it stand out is that it's one of the two searchable team up cards, Hypnotic Charms being the other. Discard Dagger, Child of Light from your hand, and you can grab your team up card. This allows you to save deck space for more useful cards, assuming you run 3-4 copies of Dagger. The other thing that Midnight Sons (and Hypnotic Charms) brings to the table is that you don't have to currently control any cards of the team affiliation you choose to teamup with Marvel Knights.
That makes it a lot easier to work your way around Loyalty, as you just have to have one Marvel Knight on the field when you flip the teamup. This allows you to fill your deck with team stamped plot twists, even if you don't even run any characters from those teams.
It's going to be even bigger in Golden Age, when you can abuse all sorts of team stamped plot twists without having to play a single character of that affiliation.

In Limited, being able to team attack and reinforce can be a huge difference maker. You'll want to look at how many Marvel Knights you get versus other teams before choosing between this and a Marvel Teamup.
Still, if you play a deck with enough Marvel Knights in it, grab this in order to use the other team stamped plot twists. It's a common, so the chance of pulling multiple copies is pretty good, and you'll probably want to run all you can.


Constructed (Modern) - 4.5/5
Constructed (Golden) - 4/5
Limited - 4.5/5
Dawn Yoshi Marvel Knights...boy, do they have a lot of great cards. Their tutor, Wild Ride, could be considered one of the best character search effects in the game. Their team-up and today's card of the day, Midnight Sons, is no exception.

This team-up can only be activated while you control a Marvel Knights character, which should not be difficult at all. Then, unlike any other team-up in the game, you merely declare what other team you want to use. This makes all of your declared team and marvel knight characters have both affiliations. This gives the Marvel Knights the possibility to run a variety of powerful loyalty-troubled characters (such as Garth <> Tempest), or powerful plot twist support cards, (like Bamf!). Oh, and this team-up has a search character to boot, making this card even more consistent!

Constructed: 5/5- You should not be running generic team-ups like "Marvel Team-up" if you're using the Marvel Knights. This card is just too useful.

Limited: 3.5/5- If you happen to find enough marvel knights characters, this team-up will make your limited deck more consistent with a variety of useful effects. It also makes those double loyalty characters, like the massivr 14/9 Elektra, easier to play.

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