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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Marvel Knights
Date Reviewed: 02.28.05
Constructed Average Rating: 3.6
Limited Average Rating: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
This week we are going to look at some cards
that deal with an 'Underworld' theme. To start,
let's take a look at the plot twist Gravesite.
Gravesite is just one of the tricks that the
Underworld team has to go ahead and get
character cards into the KO'd pile. And believe
me, when you want to play cards such as
"Strength From the Grave" you're gonna want as
many characters available there as possible.
With a good number of the Underworld's
characters having a below average attack and
defense, some extra endurance gain will be
greatly appreciated. Get this card out in
duplicate or triplicate and you have a nice
engine of destruction on your hands to keep
those Underworld guys appetite for souls
Underworld constructed deck - 3.5/5.0 ...It goes
along with the decks main theme very well.
Limited - 4.0/5.0 ...I was able to grab one of
these and a good number of Underworld characters
at the sneak preview weekend and the ability to
get through my deck quicker and netting a few
endurance gain worked wonders. |

Johnny Blaze |
Gravesite –
This week’s reviews would have been perfect for
Halloween. Today we are looking at Gravesite. An
ongoing plot twist with a cost of 1 that lets
each player draw a card at the beginning of the
draw phase, with the cost of discarding a card.
Each player that discarded an Underworld
character gains 1 endurance.
Constructed: 3.5/5 – Usually it is not good to
give up hand advantage in this game. However,
since there is a possibility of gaining 1
endurance for the player that discards an
Underworld character, that kind of offsets this.
Underworld decks thrive on characters in the
discard pile anyways.
Limited: 2/5 – When hitting drops are critical
in limited it wouldn’t be a good idea to discard
your Underworld characters here. Even the extra
draw that is always welcome in limited can
become a liability when you are discarding every
Bunch |
This is the
first day of Underworld week, a very interesting
team, and one with a lot of combo opportunities.
Gravesite is going to be an Underworld staple,
but it also might find its way into a lot of
other decks. Underworld relies a lot on having
Underworld characters in the KO'd pile, and this
is one of the easiest ways to not only set up
your KO'd pile for your mid and late game, but
you'll gain a little endurance to boot. In
Modern Age, you can get specific characters in
the KO'd pile in order to team up with Hypnotic
Charms, or make sure you have enough Underworld
guys in there to recruit Mephisto. In Golden
Age, you can dump a high level character, then
Reconstruction Program or Avalon Space Station
can get them back at your leisure. Teen Titans
decks may find room for Gravesite to hit their
early drops, and then retrieve needed cards with
Garth later.
In Limited, getting to see 3 cards a turn, and
dump a useless card, is going to be huge, and
will often times be the difference between
missing and hitting a drop. Of course, your
opponent also gets the effect, and if they're
also running Gravesite/Underworld, they'll be
gaining endurance as well. It's an uncommon, so
if your pack doesn't have a playable rare, it's
a good candidate for a high pick. I can see
Gravesite making it's way into a lot of Limited
decks, so be prepared to see it early and often.
Constructed (Modern) - 3.5/5
Constructed (Golden) - 3.25/5
Limited - 3.75/5
Dawn Yoshi |
This week
will be a focus on things that go "bump" in the
night (underworld), but not all of these cards
are restricted to just an underworld deck. In
fact, today's card can be splashed in any deck.
Gravesite is a great effect that may have older
MTG players think back to Howling Mine. Before
drawing their 2 cards for the turn, Gravesite
will trigger and have both players draw an extra
card, then discard a card from their hand. While
this provides no extra hand advantage, it allows
decks that don't have search effects, or need
specific cards quickly, some more consistency.
If you run Underworld as well, you'll also gain
a small amount of endurance. The New Blood are
certainly looking nice with this card, as is
deck destruction. Only time will tell how
beneficial this card will be.
Oh, and this is card draw in limited. That's a
good thing, and it makes sure you get the cards
you need sooner. Pick these as soon as you can
in a draft.
Constructed: 4/5
Limited: 4.5/5