Marvel VS Card of the Day
Rider - Johnny Blaze
Marvel Knights
Date Reviewed: 01.31.05
Constructed Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 3.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Ghost Rider – Johnny Blaze
Well this week we are going to give our take
on some cards that everyone has probably
already seen previewed on other websites.
To start let’s take a look at Ghost Rider –
Johnny Blaze.
On the surface this character almost seems
sub-par. As a 10/12 6 drop with range,
Ghost Rider isn’t exactly stellar. However,
once you look closer at this character, you
can immediately see the true potential this
character has. You see Ghost Rider gets +2
ATK while you control fewer characters than
an opponent, Ghost Rider gets an additional
+2 ATK while you have fewer cards in your
hand than an opponent, and Ghost Rider gets
another +2 ATK while you have less endurance
than an opponent. That means that on turn
six you could conceivably have a 16/12
character with range running amuck all over
the field. Now that is impressive! Any
time you can have a character that could
rival or beat many 7-drops on the field; you
have a great opportunity to turn the game in
your favor….and considering how late in the
game this character drops – he could
possibly provide you a win. Even the
downside to this card (having to be in a
worse position than your opponent) isn’t as
bad as it seems. Remember many times a win
or a loss can be determined in a well
thought out turn.
Bottom line – Unless you are FAR ahead of
your opponent, this card is never a bad idea
for play.
Marvel Knights constructed deck – 3.5/5.0
….I am not sure how this card is going to
stack up against the other 6-drops, but I
feel that it is a great card that is easy to
Limited – 4.5/5.0 ….This card is excellent
for this format.

Johnny Blaze |
Ghost Rider <>
Johnny Blaze – This week we are going to be
reviewing some Marvel Knights cards and the
first card I’ve been waiting a long time for.
The original Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze. This
card is very interesting for the fact that it
has 3 in game conditions that if are met, can
provide a huge boost to Mr. Blaze. The downside
to that is that for each 3 game conditions that
are met, most likely means that you are losing
and the extra +6 to ATK wont help that much.
Another note on this card is that his range most
likely comes from his the fact that he rides on
a mystical Motorcycle.
How else can UDE explain that Spider-man was
given no range with his Web shooters but Ghost
Rider gets range with his chain? lol
Constructed: 3/5 – Verdict is still out on
Marvel Knights but as one of their only 6 drops
you have no choice but to choose me to play in
your deck.
Limited: 3/5 – How can I score my card low? Most
likely you will meet one of these conditions to
get his ATK to an avg. 12 for a 6 drop. If your
opponent does miss their 6 drop and you can
fulfill all 3 requirements, that may have just
won you the game as you are getting a +6 ATK
boost. As a common you will be seeing a lot of
Blaze to go around.
BTW, anyone with an abundance of these common
Johnny Blaze cards please feel free to send them
to me as I will be working on a project to
unveil at future VS. events that I attend.
Bunch |
Ghost Rider, Johnny
Whee!!! We get to join in on the preview-y
goodness this week, as we tackle three cards
from the new Marvek Knights set. If you're going
to a sneak preview event this coming weekend
(I'm going!), then pay close attention, because
you're sure to see these cards in play.
Ghost Rider is an interesting card, because the
worse you're doing, the better he can be. 10/12
for a 6 drop is slightly underpowered, but he
can pump all the way up to 16/12 if you meet his
three conditions. +2 for having fewer characters
is nice if you miss a drop or get Finishing Move
sprung on you. +2 for having fewer cards isn't
as nice, unless your opponent is running a lot
of card drawing effects. The extra 2 points of
attack isn't worth bad hand management, although
if your hand sizes are equal, playing a pump
from hand will have an extra kick. +2 for having
less endurance helps a lot, especially if you
don't have the initiative and you take a hefty
dose of breakthrough. Range is nice, you can
park him in the support row and wait for your
opponent to help you trigger one or more of his
+2 modifiers. Without having seen the whole set,
I can't really say how effective he is versus
other 6 drops, but he'll probably be worth
throwing a couple of copies in.
In Limited, he'll be a bomb. You're more likely
to miss drops in this format, so if you're
losing the board advantage battle, you'll at
least have a 12/12 to look forward to, and
probably a 14/12 since you'll be taking some
extra damage in those early turns. No loyalty
makes him a great card to splash, and if I open
one up on Saturday, I'm almost positive he'll
make the cut for my deck.
Constructed - 3/4
Limited - 3.5/5