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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Date Reviewed: 06.6.05
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3.33
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.25
Limited Average Rating: 2.88
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Monday, June
6, 2005 ? Manhunter Spacecraft
1 Threshold
?Pay 1 resource point, discard a card -> Search
your deck for an army Manhunter card, reveal it,
and put the card into your hand. Shuffle your
deck. Use this power only once per turn.?
Today we are going to look at the search card
for Manhunters ? Manhunter Spacecraft. This card
can be really good, provided you are running a
Manhunter swarm deck. However, if you are going
to try to curve your Manhunter deck, I would
tend to reserve this card for your early game
only. Why? Well, not only does this card set you
behind the curve late in the game (because of
the 1 resource point cost), but it also screws
with your hand as well. You certainly don?t want
to be tossing cards late game if you can help
it. Of course this is not really an issue if you
are running MH swarm simply because by late game
you have the extra resource points to pay and
the size of your hand will probably not make a
Bottom line: Any search is good; just make sure
you tailor your deck accordingly.
DCMA constructed ? 3.5/5.0 ? It is a search card
after all?
GA constructed ? 3.5/5.0 ? Put this card in a
swarm MH deck and the 8-drop Joker ? you will be
able to see the usefulness of this card then?.
Limited ? 4.0/5.0 ? This card could save you
butt in this format, provided you pull a few
army MH?s |

Johnny Blaze |
Manhunter Spacecraft
? Yes the Spacecraft has
landed. Some say that this
will be the Optitron for the
Manhunters. Until we get DC
Modern Age we wont really
know for sure as GL hasn?t
accomplished much at PCNY.
But this card is a must in a
Manhunter deck. With the
only downside of discarding
a card and paying a resource
point, Spacecraft will net
you an Army Manhunter each
4/5 ? Of course in a
Manhunter specific deck.
Search your deck every turn
and get a Manhunter how can
you go wrong?
2.5/5 ? Unlikely you will be
getting a lot of Army
Manhunter cards but if you
do and you pull SpaceCraft
then definately use it.
Bunch |
Here's an interesting search card for the
Manhunter affiliation. Manhunters only have a
couple of 1 drops, neither one that gamebreaking,
so paying 1 resource point on turn 1 to set up
whatever drop you haven't drawn into yet is an
acceptable use of resource points. With
Manhunter Excavator and Sleep Agent, you'll also
be able to spare another resource point on mid
to late game searching if you're absolutely
desparate for the missing piece to your
strategy. Obviously this is just for Manhunter
decks, and it remains to be seen how much of an
impact this team will have in Golden Age or DC
Modern Age. As searchers go though, Signal
Flare, Bat Signal, and The Ring Has Chosen are
much more useful, and not so prohibitively
In Limited, if you get this card and enough
Manhunters to play a heavy Manhunter deck, it
would more than likely be worth your while to
play this card, as you'll want to be guaranteed
to pull your lynchpin card when you need it.
Otherwise, don't bother with it.
Golden - 1.5/5
Modern - 2/5
Limited - 2/5 |
wierdofur(John.X.W) |
Searching for
Manhunters today...
Manhunter Spacecraft
Number: DGL-133
Rarity: Rare
Card Type Location
Cost: 1
Pay 1 resource point, discard a card >>>Search
your deck for an Army Manhunter character card,
reveal it, and put it into your hand. Shuffle
your deck. Use this power only once per turn.
Cost: 1
Useability from turn 1 guarantees usage any time
during the game.
This card lets you search your deck for any
Manhunter character you want or need, and
without a cost, unlike those other character
searching cards.
Team Affiliation: Manhunters
This card only works for Manhunters, so it's
usage is a bit limited. The effect combined with
a lack of a cost, such as discarding a card or
spending a resource point, makes this one of the
best searching cards in the game.
The Manhunters offer an interesting
multi-pronged play-style by offering several
'special summons' by allowing you to use effects
to recruit characters (without paying recruit
costs in some cases), a large number of ATK
and/or DEF boosts, a few burn damage effects,
some 'foe sends top
card(s) of their deck to their KO pile' effects
and a few effects to recycle characters.
Manhunter Spacecraft offers alot to this deck,
and I recommend it as a staple card for any
Manhunter deck.
Modern Age: Only usable with Manhunters, but in
a well built Manhunter deck, this card is king!
Golden Age: Mantunters don't seem to be
available here, but if they were, this card
would be a must.
4.5/5.0 (for potential)
Limited: If there's a good number of Manhunters,
or you get ones with good effects, such as Pan,
Mark Shaw or Manhunter Excavator, this card'll
help to get them into your hand.
3.0/5.0 |
scyther8 |
"Ah good, the
air force has arrived with those new round
Optitron for Manhunters, plain and simple.
Manhunter Spacecraft
1 Threshold Cost
Rarity: Rare
Initative Preference: None
Effect: Pay 1 resource point, discard a card
---> Search your deck for an Army Manhunter
card, reveal it, and put it into your hand.
Shuffle your deck. Use this power only once per
This is less restrictive than Optitron because
you can discard any card from your hand to grab
a Manhunter, unlike Optitron which forces you to
discard a character card. Now that useless
Manhunter Protector on turn 5 can turn into a
Manhunter Guardsman, Soldier, Engineer, Giant,
or Excavator. Search effects are always
appealing so there's really no in-depth analysis
that can be given here. It's a definite asset to
any Manhunter swarm strategy out there.
DC Modern Age: 4/5 It can prove valuable at any
time during a game if you're playing Manhunter
Swarm and can help you spend that last resource
point you have extra.
Golden Age: 4/5 Same rating as the functionality
of the card remains the same in the deck,
regardless of the format. Now how viable a
Longshot Manhunter Soldier/Guardsmen swarm deck
is in Golden Age, only time will tell.
Sealed/Draft: 2/5 If you've been drafting
Manhunters quite heavily, a must include.
Otherwise stay far away.
Side Note: Props to my good friend Mel for
getting 5th at the Tampa PCQ! |