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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Gotham City
Card #DMB-012
Date Reviewed: 06.14.05
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 2.5
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.15
Limited Average Rating: 2.2
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Bunch |
Gotham City
My Beloved decks, specifically the ones that
abuse Merlyn, just got another friend in the
fight to make it to Tier 1 status. Comboing with
Base of Operations and/or Clocktower makes this
a great way to keep your hand full of characters
to discard to Fizzle, or just to smooth out your
curve. There's no real need to worry about
burying a good plot twist as long as you've got
Alfred fetching as much as possible, so go nuts.
Not a good fit in a GCPD swarm deck, which I'm
sure is the reason they specify cost 3 or
higher, but that won't hurt much anyway. This
won't fit in a lot of GK builds, but Merlyn
decks will love the extra location.
Rating: 3/5
wierdofur |
Am I the only
one here with the voice of the narrator from the
old 60's Batman tv show going in his head?
Gotham City
Number: DBM-012
Rarity: Uncommon
Card Type: Location
Cost: 2
Activate, exhaust a Gotham Knights character you
control >>>Reveal the top card of your deck. If
that card is a Gotham Knights character card
with cost 3 or greater, put it into your hand.
Otherwise, put it on the bottom of your deck.
Cost: 2
Not usable immediately, but close enough.
A card draw, or a bit of deck cycling. Not too
bad, but sometimes it can backfire, costing you
a card you may badly need.
Team Affiliation: Gotham Knights
The GKs are an ok team, but lack the physical
power they need in many clashes.
The team is ok, but needs some good powerups to
This card is ok, but I personally prefer better
odds on card drawing. GC could net one of the
cards that make up a third of your deck, or cost
you dearly. Use with caution.
Modern Age:
It's an ok card, but being a player with a low
level of luck when dueling, I prefer better
cards such as Bat-Signal.
Golden Age: Pretty much the same here as in
Limited: Hard to get enough Gotham Knights to
make this card usable.
HMK17 |
Gotham City
Cost: 2
Activate, exhaust a Gotham Knights character you
control >>> Reveal the top card of your deck. If
that card is a Gotham Knights character card
with cost 3 or greater, put it into your hand.
Otherwise, put it on the bottom of your deck.
Well, Batman Begins comes out tomorrow and in
honor we are doing a Batman week.
Hopfully, the movie won't stink like the last
two gaudy flourescent movie. However, the new
starter deck doesn't stink. It provides some
really interesting stuff for the Gotham Knights.
Especially the next COTD..., but I'm getting
ahead of myself.
Today's card is Gotham City. It provides a
little bit of deck manipulation to the Knights.
For the small cost of exhausting a character,
you can potentially gain hand advantage in the
form of a low recruit character.
What's the point? Well, toward the mid-late game
little characters are not really going to be
that useful, except for power-ups. However,
there are certain builds that can make this
Good ol' Cosmic Cops just got a new friend to
max out the cops. Each GCPD Officer is a little
1 drop and there are a good number of them in
the deck. Odds are good you'll hit a few. If you
pass by some stuff you need, Thinking Outside
the Box can take care of that for you.
The Brave and the Bold decks also can make good
use of the new location. It brings up most of
the Titans you will generally be using.
The card has some potential and it has great
synergy with the overlooked Base of Operations.
This thing needs a little testing time, but
could be a real player.
Limited: NA
DC Modern: 2/5
Golden: 3.5/5

Johnny Blaze |
Gotham City
- Ok this week we are looking at
cards from the new Batman starter
and I was pleasantly surprised that
most of these cards are not reprints
but brand new cards with attacks,
flavor text, and the whole nine.
Gotham City fits in nicely with the
Gotham PD Officer. Just activate
and then exhaust a Gotham PD Officer
and you get to look at the top card
of your deck. If it is a Gotham
Knights character that costs 3 or
more put it into your hand,
otherwise that card goes to the
bottom of your deck. Similar to
other cards with this effect you
always can hurt yourself by doing
this and then sending a valuable
Plot Twist o the bottom of your
2.5/5 - It is another way to give
your Gotham PD Officers
reinforcement when they are
exhausted. It is still a risk by
itself without using other cards
that let you see the top card of
your deck.
Don't know if you will ever see it
in draft as it is part of a starter
deck. But if you do then 3/5 if you
can draft enough Gotham Knight
characters. Then cycle through each
turn just to try and outpace your