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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Commissioner Gordon
- Lieutenant Gordon

Card #DBM-006


Date Reviewed: 06.24.05

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 1.6
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 1.8
Limited Average Rating: 1.8

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Commissioner Gordon - Lieutenant Gordon

The latest version of Gordon is a 1-drop character with 1/1 stats that allows you to search for a character card named Batman then put the card on the top of your deck. Ok so this is sort of like Boliver only worse. First off you don't get to put the card you search for into your hand...it is part of your next draw. Second, Gordon is just asking to be picked on...especially now with all the flight and range characters that are out there (If you play CS then you know what I mean). Third, and this is the biggie, THERE IS NO WAY TO CANCEL BATMAN'S UNIQUENESS! Who is going to run the 3, 4, 5, and 7 Batman in there deck if they can't get rid of uniqueness...duh!

Bottom line: Just stick to using Bat Signal...trust me on this one

DCMA - ...
GA constructed - 2.0/5.0 ....If you are paranoid about not getting your Batman then you could try it I guess....

Limited - ...
Commissioner Gordon, Lieutenant Gordon

I want to like this card, but unfortunately, I now own an Alfred. There's no other 1 drop for GK (other than GCPD for swarm), although Gordon would be a little more tempting if the Batman you searched for went your hand, instead of the top of your deck. Bat-Signal is still the better way to find Batman, and its not a dead draw because you can drop it any time to find any GK character, even if just for a powerup or a discard for Fizzle. Still, it's a nice easy effect for the starter.

Rating: 2.5/5
(Matthew Hochban)
Short review once again today as these starter deck cards we've been reviewing have not deserved to be included in any established Gotham deck.
(Outside of Batcomputer and possibly Gotham City) Today it's a much younger

Commissioner Gordon as a 1 drop. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't have Gotham have a certain 1 drop that's far superior? Alfred of course is heads over heels better than Lieutenant Gordon any day and in any Gotham deck. Sure you get a pseudo search effect when the good Lieutenant comes into play, but the card isn't even added to your hand, it just goes on top of your deck for you to essentially "rig" one of your two draws next turn.
If Lieutenant did that for plot twists then you could hunt out Fizzles, Bat-Signals, and Detective Works and set your draw very nicely for next turn. Speaking of Bat-Signal, since every Gotham deck plays Bat-Signal, why

do you need a sub-par one drop that does the job half as good as Bat-Signal does? The answer is, you don't.

DC Modern Age: 1.5/5 The only Batman you can get with him is the starter deck version and possibly Azrael @ Batman if you're able to.

Golden Age: 1/5 Alfred is the one drop you play in Gotham, not this.

Sealed: 2/5 It can be handy to get your 7 drop for late game right away so you don't have to draw into him.

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