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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
William Reilly
Marvel Knights
Date Reviewed: 03.14.05
Constructed Average Rating: 4.15
Limited Average Rating: 4.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Phat –
William Reilly
This week is X-Statix week. To start, we are
going to look at a card that I am slightly
partial to...Phat (aka. Billy Bob).
I like Phat, and not just because he was an
awesome comic book character. You see, this guy
could do amazing things with his fat, and this
card’s boost is no exception. Phat starts off as
a regular 1/1 1-drop character. Not much, huh?
Well this guy isn’t a rare for nothing. His
boost states: Boost X: When Phat comes into play
you may discard an X-Statix character from your
hand. If you do, add two +1/+1 counters to Phat
for each resource you spent on X. So basically
you have...
Turn 1 – 1/1 Phat
Turn 2 – 3/3 Phat
Turn 3 – 5/5 Phat
Turn 4 – 7/7 Phat
Turn 5 – 9/9 Phat
Turn 6 – 11/11 Phat
Turn 7 – 13/13 Phat
Now after turn 5, you are probably not going to
want to drop Phat. After all, there comes a
point in time where he does become sub-par.
(Even in the comics he did eventually get killed
off.) However if you consider how many drops
this guy can easily fill, you will be able to
clearly see why 4 of these cards are needed in
any X-Statix deck. I am all for versatility,
especially for a team with no real search power.
Besides, how can you not like a card with this
flavor text?
X-Statix constructed deck – 4.0/5.0 ...This card
is versatile and effective.
Limited – 3.5/5.0 ...If you happen to get this
card, throw in a few X-Statix characters. Phat
will help ensure you can hit your drops.

Johnny Blaze |
Phat – I cant
help it but everytime I see this card it reminds
me of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. This is
such a versatile card it is great in sealed and
very techy in Constructed. With the minimal
discard cost of an X-static character, you can
get Phat out on any turn.
Basically his Boost X gives Phat a +2/+2 for
each resource you spent to recruit X. This is
another classic example of poor wording on UDE’s
part on card text. Isnt it easier to say +2/+2
than two +1/+1 counters? So if you play him on
Turn 4 he is an 9/9, on Turn 5 he becomes a
11/11, and so on and so forth.
Constructed: 3.5/5 – He is a lot beefier early
on as his +2/+2 Boosts don’t really curve out
during the late game leaving him a 17/17 on turn
8. But still as a stun cost of 1, a 17/17 1 drop
on Turn 8 isnt always a bad thing.
Limited: 4/5 – Definitely more useful here. Phat
is known as the curve filler. If you happened to
miss your drop and hopefully you also pulled
some more X-statix guys then Phat will hit the
board when you want him.
Bunch |
Phat, William
Today we're kicking off X-Statix week. This is a
team that practically screams "PLAY ONE
CHARACTER AT A TIME!!!", yet there's also
support for X-Statix swarm decks too.
Today's card fits in either style deck, and just
about anyplace in the curve too. Phat is your
backup plan for those occasions when you are
about to miss a drop.
Even better, when he gets stunned, you're still
only taking 1 point of stun damage. His only
Achilles Heel is Stilt-Man, and I really doubt
you'll see too many copies of him at a high
level event. In Golden Age, he's an Overload
magnet, but at least you'll only be taking one
point of damage, although that won't be much
comfort when your opponent is taking free swings
at your endurance. He should be included in any
X-Statix deck.
In Limited, he's an easy first pick. You're more
likely to miss drops, and being able to drop a
character with solid stats on any turn is an
invaluable ability. He's also great if you
didn't manage to get your hands on a 7 or 8 drop
and need a heavy hitter for the late game. He is
a rare, so don't count on getting more than one
copy, and you do have to have another X-Statix
card to discard for his boost, but that's a
relatively simple thing in this format.
Constructed (Modern) - 4.5/5
Constructed (Golden) - 3.5/5
Limited - 5/5