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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
- Lunatic Lycanthrope
Marvel Knights
Date Reviewed: 03.23.05
Constructed Average Rating: 3.15
Limited Average Rating: 3.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
OK, I promise this is the last X-Statix card
that we will review for a little while at least.
Here we have Myles in his 5 drop form. With an
above average attack of 10 and a below average
defense of 8 I guess we can call him just about
an average character. However, like a lot of X-Statix
characters he's not really meant to stay on the
field very long. After all, his boosted effect
is very handy for the turns following 6 and you
don't really want a guy (even a gay werewolf)
hanging around to get beat on.
When Vivisector comes into play you can pay an
extra resource point to exhaust any character
your opponent has on the field. This can be
exceptionally handy if there are no characters
left with a DEF of 10 or less you can stun with
a boosted Plasm. The effect will always work
better if you do not have the initiative so your
opponent has to recruit first and you get to
choose from all his characters instead of them
getting to play their 8 after you exhausted
their 7.
Constructed - 3.5/5
Limited - 2.5/5

Johnny Blaze |
Vivisector LL
– Nice ATK value of 10 at your 5
drop, with an avg. DEF of 8. Not
much else to say except for the fact
that you might get the most out of
Vivisector as a Boostable
character. Boost 1 – When
Vivisector comes into play, if you
control another X-Statix character,
you may exhaust target character.
Then Vivisector returns to your
Constructed : 2.5/5 – With the loss
of your 6 drop you get to exhaust
target character. Otherwise on Turn
5 you have a 10/8 character on the
Limited: 3/5 – You will give up
board advantage, but if you missed
your higher drop and you want to
exhaust their main attacker that
will cause major breakthrough that
turn, Vivisector is your saving
Bunch |
Lunatic Lycanthrope
Today's card is a huge boon to mono X-Statix
Not only does he have nice stats for a 5 drop,
but his boost will help your lonely character
stick around for another turn by exhausting
their biggest threat, then returning to your
hand and leaving your guy on the field with all
of his juicy "solo character" bonuses.
If you do decide to play him, you'll probably be
playing his 2 drop version as well, which will
make for some fine opportunities to power him
up. He's a solid pick for X-Statix.
In Limited, he's got good stats for a 5 drop,
and his boost may just come in handy, especially
if your opponent has a concealed character that
you wouldn't be able to get to anyway.
Constructed (Modern) - 3.5/5
Constructed (Golden) - 3/5
Limited - 4/5
Brad Pironciak |
Today we're
reviewing an under-looked X-statix card,
Vivisector, Lunatic Lycanthrope. (Try saying
that 5 times fast) He has pretty average stats
for a 5 drop, and no regular effect, but his
boost 1 is "Whenever vivisector comes into play,
if you control another X-statix character, you
may exhaust target character. Return vivisector
to it's owners hand."
We have here X-statix's late game drop misser.
The early game is filled up with phat, but if
you find your 6 conspicuously absent, why not
drop yourself vivisector? Exhaust their 6, and
still have your normal 5 drop to gain the
"standing alone" boosts. All in all, he's not
great, but he can't hurt as a fallback. On turn
5, he's a normal 10/8, and what's to hate about
a 12/10 5 drop with X-statix Cafe?
In limited, you may want to pick this guy up if
you're drafting heavy X-statix. He could always
help in a pinch, but don't rely on him too much.
X-statix Constructed: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
Art: 2/5