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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

– Deadly Marksman

Marvel Knights

Date Reviewed: 03.25.05

Constructed Average Rating: 4
Limited Average Rating: 4.3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Bullseye – Deadly Marksman

Ok, you may not be able to tell, but I am not exactly the most avid comic book reader out there. In fact, outside of the X-Statix comics, a few website visits, and conversations with other avid comic book readers; I am pretty clueless as to the story lines behind many of the characters in the VS system. In a way it helps out when doing COD’s as I am not exactly biased towards certain character cards simply because I liked the comic book character. Now that I have completely rambled perhaps I should try to tie in today’s COD – Bullseye.

I like Bullseye, both as a comic book character and as a character card for VS. After all he is mysterious and deadly...a great combo for any comic book villain. This card definitely capitalizes on the deadly portion of this character. As a 9/8 4-drop with range, this character is as good as you are going to get for turn 4. Unlike his counterparts, Proudstar and Spike, this character doesn’t have to deal with possibly being ko’d should he be stunned. That actually makes him the best 4-drop in the game (imo). Of course he does have a stipulation for his recruitment - having to discard a plot twist or location card from your hand. This isn’t so bad in MMA (Marvel Modern Age), where he will most likely see the most play, however this could be tough in MA (Modern Age), MGA (Marvel Golden Age), or plain GA (Golden Age). At least he doesn’t have loyalty...

Ratings: (At this point I am going to break down and give ratings for MA and GA)

MA constructed: 4.5/5.0 ...You shouldn’t have a problem paying this character’s recruit cost.
GA constructed: 4.0/5.0 ...Bullseye’s recruit cost becomes a little more costly in this format…After all how do you feel about losing a Savage Beatdown to get this character on the field?

Limited: 5.0/5.0 ...There are so many mediocre PT’s you are going to get in this format that you can easily throw away to recruit this character….Why not have the best 4-drop on the field?

Johnny Blaze
Bullseye – Deadly Marksman

Bullseye is the 2nd biggest 4 drop in MMK at 9/8. Bullseye of course has Range and when he comes into play, KO him unless you discard a plot twist card or location.

Constructed: 3.5/5 – You should have more availability to plot twists and locations for discard to get Bullseye into play. With above average stats and range, Bullseye is a must in your Crime Lords deck.

Limited: 4/5 – Of course if you can discard a location or plot twist to get Bullseye into play, on the other hand, plot twists and locations are your life support in Limited and Bullseye comes at a steep price especially if you have my luck when I would be holding on to my one and only great Plot twist to discard to get Bullesye into play.
Bullseye, Deadly Marksman

We end the week with one of the great rares of this set, Bullseye, Deadly Marksman. Having to discard a plot twist or location when he comes into play will hurt a little, but parking him behind a big guy and having him rock all over your opponent's curve. No Loyalty means that any deck having a little problem filling out their 4 drop slots might consider splashing him for a little mid game power boost. In Golden Age, he'll have trouble finding his way into any of the established decks, and Bullseye alone may not be enough to convince players to take a flyer on Crime Lords.

In Limited, he's a great rare, no Loyalty, way above average stats, and a minimal drawback, especially with the less than stellar plot twists you'll be playing in your deck. If you pull him, play him...it's just that simple.

Constructed (Modern) - 4/5
Constructed (Golden) - 3/5
Limited - 4.25/5
Brad Pironciak Some say he's sensational, some say he's just mediocre. Let's have a look at Bullseye, Deadly Marksman. At 9/8, bullseye makes the appearence as the 3rd strtongest 4 drop in the game, behind sabretooth, and Reaper.(But we don't count him, cause he blows goats)

Bullseye's downfall comes in his cost. When he comes into play, he is KO'd unless it's owner disgards a plot twist or location. Sure this may hurt, but it's worth it to overtake ANY 4 drop(and some 5 drops) that your opponent can throw at you. If your opponent does manage to save his 4 drop, he most likely had to use a plot twist to do it, therefore paying for bullseye's cost.

In limited, you better snatch this card up or I will hunt you down and mercilessly smack the hell out of you. NO LOYALTY, means that you can run this guy no matter what team you're drafting. Take it, take it, TAKE IT. Am I clear? One plot twist or location in limited won't matter in the least if you can dominate the board for 1, 2, maybe even
3 turns.

Constructed CL/HAT:4/5
Limited: 5/5
Art:1/5(I always hated that costume)

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