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- Architect of Destruction
Green Lantern
Date Reviewed: 05.02.05
Constructed Average Rating: 4.0
Limited Average Rating: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
- Architect of Destruction
This week we are going to look at a plethora of
9-drops from the new Green Lantern set. Today's
9-drop is Anit-Monitor - Architect of
If you are going to play a 9-drop character,
then this is probably the 9-drop for you.
Anti-Monitor is the biggest 9-drop out right now
with stats of 22/24. This guy not only flies and
has range, but he can easily wipe out your
opponent's field with his effect. With this
character you can KO a character or resource you
control thereby making your opponent do the
same. Of course it would be nice if you could
choose which character or resource your opponent
had to KO, but that would just make this guy
broken. Then again it will be interesting to see
this character in a swarm stall deck. Perhaps
Gotham Lights?
DMA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...Although you
usually won't see turn 9 in this format, the
possibility of creating a viable deck centered
around this character is possible.
GA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...I can actually see
players getting to turn 9 rather easily in this
format - provided they take the risk and make
the effort.
Limited - 2.0/5.0 ...Normally you are dead by
turn 8 in this format. This character's effect
will also be limited in this format. Better to
use him for strength alone.

Johnny Blaze |
Anti-Monitor, Architect of
– This week we are starting to
review cards from the brand new DC
set: Green Lantern. Not only are we
starting to review these new cards
but this week we are reviewing most
arguably the 3 best 9 drop cards
that have been made to date. Let’s
get to the review.
Anti-Monitor is one of the two 9
drop characters found in the new
Green Lantern set. Anti-Monitor has
both Flight and Range and has the 2nd
beefiest stats in the game at the 9
drop slot at 22 ATK and 24 DEF.
Stay tuned for Friday’s COTD for the
most powerful 9 drop from Green
addition to these sick stats,
Anti-Monitor also lets you choose to
KO a character or resource you
control during the combat phase and
then if you do so your opponent must
do the same. This is a great way to
get ahead on resources if you can
spare another Anti-Matter character
from the turn before so that way you
are KO’ing a character while your
opponent most likely will KO a
resource just to keep their only
character on the board. The
possibilities are many and I really
cant find anything seriously wrong
with this. In fact with some of
these GL cards, I think it will
change the
game as we know it.
4/5 – You cant go wrong here. No
Loyalty and the KO ability is an
option so you don’t even have to use
it. Basically if you can get to the
9th turn and your
opponent doesn’t get his 9 drop you
have basically won. I can see a lot
more decks trying to win before 9th
turn with a lot of these powerful GL
4.5/5 – I’m so close to giving this
a 5 but as you know, it is not that
often that you will get to Turn 9.
It is a good idea to grab
Anti-Monitor because if you can get
the game to the 9th turn
you most likely win.
Player21 |
Version: Architect of Destruction
Type: Character
Team: Anti-Matter
Cost: 9
ATK/DEF: 22/24
Flight/Range: Yes/Yes
"KO a character or resource you control >>> Each
of your opponents KO's a character or resource
he controls.
Use this power only during the combat phase."
Well, do I really have to say it? This guy is
absolutely broken.
I don't think it takes long to realize that this
card wins games.
If you have more characters on the field come
turn 9, you win.
For those of you who aren't math majors, it's
simple: If you and your opponent both have 9
resources, but let's say you have a 5-4
character advantage, you can KO your 9 resources
and 4 additional characters for a KO total of
13. That means your opponent has to KO 13
resources/characters, as well. In this case,
that would be their 9 resources and all 4 of
their characters. Thus, you can attack directly
with Anti-Monitor for 22.
Now, if that doesn't win you the game, the next
turn you're both recruiting a one-drop. Your
Anti-Monitor VS their one-drop. Game over.
Now, there are drawbacks. One, this character
has a recruit cost of 9. Good luck getting to
turn 9 outside of a pure stall deck. Two, pure
stall decks are typically at a character
disadvantage, and not a character advantage
(their opponents can pick and choose when and
where to attack to obtain maximum board
So, it's not as easy as just throwing this guy
in the deck, waiting until turn 9 and winning
the game.
However, this card does replace Onslaught and
Imperiex in straight stall decks, in my honest
opinion. The effect is not initiative dependent,
like those characters, but is equally game
breaking, if not more so.
DC Modern Age – It's really hard to give him a
rating, given that I haven't really had time to
analyze the whole set. Thus, I'm going to say
the rating is N/A.
Golden Age – For what he does, he's a 5/5. I
couldn't really ask for more in a 9 drop than
what he does. However, given the fact that he's
a 9-drop, and as such is hardly playable (and
the fact that I know somebody is going to ask
how I can give a 9 drop a 5/5), his actual
Golden Age rating is going to be closer to 2/5.
It's HARD to get to turn 9. Thus, this character
will rarely, if ever, see play.
Limited – 1.5/5 Good luck making it to turn 9
with less reinforcement, and a lack of pure
stall, out there (the .5 is because if he DOES
come out, you DO win).