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Image from ShuffleandCut.com |
Green Lantern - DGL-058
Date Reviewed: 05.13.05
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3.33
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.33
Limited Average Rating: 4.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Friday, May
13, 2005 - Sinestro - Green Lantern of Korugar
Ahh...what a perfect card for Friday the 13th!
Sinestro is an evil, evil card. That is why it
is my favorite card out of the set.
Let's start with the basics. Sinestro is a 12/12
6-drop with flight and range. This is actually
nothing spectacular for this set as many
characters have flight and range. His attack and
defense is definately par for the course. His
ability, however, is where this card shines. You
see whenever your opponent stuns another
character of yours while he is one the field,
their attacker is automatically stunned. Now
this may not be game breaking in a DCMA
constructed, especially against Team Superman
and Manhunters, but it can be devestating in
limited. Just put this character in your back
row and let the fun begin!
DCMA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ....This card can be
effective, but with the amount of flight offered
in this format, you definately need to protect
GA constructed - 4.0/5.0 ...By using Cover Fire,
you provide a great way to keep this guy from
being stunned
Limited - 5.0/5.0 ...This card is EXTREMELY
effective in this format. If you pass this
character up, you deserve to be slapped... |

Johnny Blaze |
Sinestro, Enemy of the Corps
– I like a lot of these win
conditions at the start of the
recovery phase like The Prophecy
Fulfilled does. It definitely gives
you a mental advantage over your
opponent. Your opponent will be
like aw shoot I have to win somehow
before the recovery phase or else
I’ll lose.
What Sinestro brings to the table is
another tangible way to win by using
the new mechanic –Willpower. You
see Sinestro’s Willpower is 6 so if
you can knock your opponent down to
5 endurance, then at the start of
the recovery phase you win. There
are just endless ways to boost
Wilpower in this set so I’ll let you
decide how to combo this card
efficiently. Just remember to keep
Sinestro from being stunned or his
text wont work.
3/5 – It has yet to be seen how
viable the Willpower mechanic will
fare, but definitely another win
condition due to Willpower is nice.
4/5 – Definitely a 7 drop 16/14
character with both flight and range is
nice to have on your side of the table
in Limited.
Bunch |
Enemy of the Corps
It's Friday the 13th here on Pojo, and if you
see today's card staring you down from your
opponent's side of the field, you should
consider yourself very unlucky.
Sinestro provides an alternate win condition for
7 and beyond. As long as you keep him from being
stunned, you don't have to take your opponent to
zero to win the game, you can win if they are at
5 (Sinestro has Willpower of 6). The more
non-stunned characters with Willpower you have
on the field, the better chance you'll have of
getting your opponent below that threshold by
the recovery phase. Sinestro works well with
Anti Matter in a burn deck, something to do a
lot of early damage to your opponent and then
surprise them with a Turn 7 Sinestro to get an
earlier win than they were expecting. If you can
stall the game to Turn 9, then Hal Jordan,
Parellax will almost certainly win the game for
you. With the abundance of teamups in this set,
it should be easy to splash in some high
Willpower characters from every team, then just
keep them on the board for Turn 7. 16/14 is a
good sized body as well, letting you do some
breakthrough against your opponent, then
protecting him to get the win in the recovery
phase. Golden Age gives him a lot more defensive
tricks to make sure he stays healthy for the
recovery phase.
In Limited, he's better than Hal Jordan, Reborn,
but not as good as Two Face, Split Personality.
However, if you pull him early, you should try
and build around him and his effect, ending the
game before Turn 8 (and
9 with this set) keeps you in control of the
tempo of the match. Save your defensive tricks
for the late game, and always recover your high
Willpower characters to give yourself as much of
a cushion as possible.
Modern - 4/5
Golden - 3/5
Limited - 4.5/5 |