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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Breaking Ground
Card #DGL-184
Date Reviewed: 05.16.05
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 4.00
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.67
Limited Average Rating: 3.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Monday, May
16th, 2005 - Breaking Ground
It looks like this week we are going to start
out with one of the most sought after cards in
this set - Breaking Ground.
So this is the new Have A Blast!! For DC Modern
Age, eh? Looks pretty good since the Green
Lantern set is full of top notch locations and
more than a few good ongoing plot twists.
Obviously this card will almost be used
exclusively by players of this set since it is
the only set where characters have willpower. As
I can see it, the best target this card has is
that nasty attack boosting location Oa. Green
Lantern mirror matches will benefit highly from
this card’s use as will any other team with
willpower facing the Green Lanterns.
The cost for activating this card seems a little
easier to cope with as opposed to the discard
for Have A Blast!!, but at the current going
price they sure don’t come cheap. Will they make
a huge impact on the game? Only time will tell
us for sure.
DC Modern Age constructed: 4/5 …This card is
extremely effective!
Golden Age constructed: 4/5 …See DCMA..
Limited: 3/5 …There is less of a chance of
running into locations and ongoing plot twists
in this format, but granted if you run into them
and you have characters with willpower, then you
have a great counter. |

Johnny Blaze |
Breaking Ground
– At a cost of 3
threshold to play and
exhausting a 1 or
greater Willpower
character that you
control, DC gives us a
new tool in Modern era
to replace Locations or
Ongoing-plot twists.
This is a great way to
nuke Team-up cards.
Metropolis was pretty
safe before from The
Source but now Breaking
Ground can even nuke
that since Metropolis is
a location.
3/5 – There are plenty of options
that exist already in Golden Age
this card gets that much better in
Modern age.
2.5/5 – At the luck of your opponent
drafting a Team-up card this this is
great but I feel that it is too
expensive here. When you are at
Turn 3 you better be attacking
rather than exhausting. Plus there
is the chance you may not have a
Willpower character out.
Bunch |
Ground, Construct
Today's card will be the DC Modern Age
replacement for Have A Blast/Ka-Boom. It's
limited to locations and ongoing plot twists,
and it only replaces the resource, so you won't
be throwing off your opponent's curve. However,
this will be nuking your opponent's teamups as
well as many other of their useful cards.
If you're lucky, you can bury one of their
better characters in their resource row as well.
Exhausting a character with at least 1 Willpower
won't be tough if you're playing at least one of
the teams from DGL in your deck, and it can be
used on your own resources if you're really
desperate for a last ditch save. In Golden, it's
not as versatile as HAB or KaBoom, but being
searchable with Kyle means that you can run one
or two copies as a toolbox option.
In Limited, it's a nice rare to have, especially
if your opponent doesn't have another copy of
the teamup that they just played. There are some
good locations in this set too, and taking that
OA out of your opponent's resource row can screw
them over big time.
Modern: 5/5
Golden: 4/5
Limited: 5/5 |